
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Prince William and Kate Middleton Birth to Royal Baby Causes Frenzy

LONDON (CNN) - A traditional announcement was bellowed in the kingdom of Britain, "Hear Yeah,hear yeah" as the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to the new King to be in the future. The original expected due date of the baby was born Monday, July 22nd, 2013. The baby boy was born at 4:24 p.m. in the evening and weighs 8 lbs 6 oz. The Duchess of Cambridge went into labor the new heir Monday evening in the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's Hospital in London.  

Queen Elizabeth expressed her impatience as she wanted the baby to get here already.  Many spectators from around the world gathered infront of St. Mary's Hospital s they awaited for the birth of the new heir to the throne.

Catherine's parents, Carole and Michael Middleton reported to sources that the baby is "absolutely beautiful."  William's father, Prince Charles accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwell, Camila, was elated of the baby's birth and quotes "marvelous."

The baby's name is being discussed as the baby's first choice name was reported to be Leo. Now, sources on E! state that the new favorite choice name is James.  "He's got her looks, thankfully Prince William said.

Following Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles is next heir to the throne, following Prince Williams.  

Many publishing media outlets and government outreaches are asking everyone to give photo submissions of Prince William and Kate's royal baby.  Social media is raving over the birth of the new prince.  Twitter is broadcasting hashtags #RoyalBabyBoy and #Will & Kate and now trending.  The British Monarchy Twitter feed quotes "The Queen and Prince Philip are delighted at the news of the birth of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's baby."

Thousand surround the gates of the Buckingham Palace Many photographers of major networks around the world stood in a lengthy line to take photographs of the Royal family portrait of the new child.
Many dignitaries and celebrities offered their best wishes to the birth of the new royal baby. 

President Barack and Michelle Obama also gave their congradulations, given their public announcement:
"The child enters the world at a time of promise and opportunity for our two nations," the president and first lady said in a statement. "Given the special relationship between us, the American people are pleased to join with the people of the United Kingdom as they celebrate the birth of the young prince."

Middleton was invited to a wedding during the wait of birth, however didn't attend due to fear of labor. Prince William attended on her behalf and served as best man.

Prime Ministers of the world including Britain's chairman David Cameron, Russia reigns Vladmir Putin, Shinzo of Japan, and Stephen Harper wished the royal family well.

British Prime Minister David Cameron quoted "It is an important moment in the life of our nation, but I suppose above all, it's a wonderful moment for a warm and loving couple who got a brand new baby boy.""My father always told us how Diana was born on just such a blisteringly hot day, at Sandringham, in July 1961. It's another very happy summer's day, half a century on."


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