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VanishaPR is a site where Vanisha discusses the latest now trending news and media topics from around the globe.  

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About VanishaPR
Vanisha is an uprising PR & Media Relations Specialist.  She collaborates with organizations across the plan to leverage businesses through development of web and online marketing presentations, research of product brand, targeted audience through web measurements, creating  campaigns and networking through Social Media, while continually learning PR methods.

Vanisha is one well known to have great endurance and attended Roxborough High School where she was involved in many enrichment activities and even took on roles of leadership in Army JROTC, Volleyball, and the Honor Society.  She graduated with honors in 2002.

In August of 2002, she commenced her journey to discover her studies in Media at Pennsylvania State University.  She has had extensive involvement in media productions and volunteering with local broadcast stations and major networks such as ESPN, MSNBC London, ABCNetwork, through Penn State co-opportunities through the College of Communications.

She acted as support as a Digital Lab Assistant to broadcast film and journalism students for audio and video editing projects.  In the Fall of 2005, she was selected to be a Production Assistant Intern at C-NET Government and Education Access Network.  She also volunteered as a Broad Operator for "The Lion" 90.7 FM non-commercial student radio.  She also operated as a Camera Operator for multiple projects.

In Spring of 2006, she participated in the Penn State Study Abroad Media Program at the University of Manchester in Manchester, England.  She followed graduation with a B.A. in Media Studies in May of 2006.

Vanisha has at least 5 years of experience in project management assistance as an Account Executive local print media, and a part-time Educator for organizations like AmeriCorps and the local school district.  Vanisha has slowly, but surely discovered a wide range to PR metrics. Vanisha decided become a freelance Media Relations Specialist. The long-term goal is to widen PR outreach, implement broadcasting and social media, and leverage corporations and partnerships through online programs and collaborate with other media agents to improve PR methods.



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