
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Israel Frees 82 Prisoners before Peace Negotiations

ISRAEL (UPI) -  According to UPI.com,  Israel released 82 Palestinian prisoners that are serving life sentence before peace summits commence.  Prisoners from the West Bank and Gaza.  They were sentenced before the the 1993 Oslo peace accords, the first Israeli and Palestinian Liberation Organization agreement.  Ami Palmor, told the Israel Parliament Committee and the Jerusalem Post and by the releasing the men viewed by the Palestinians as prisoners of war, is one of three major Palestinian demands for resuming meeting the U.S. brokered peace talks."  The other demand is the 1967 prewar borders as the basis for negotiations and freezing the Israelis settlement activity in the West Bank.  Some members of the Parliament known as the Knesset express displeasure with Parliaments announcement of releasing these 82 men.  "Murderers must not be used as a tool of negotiations," said Miri Regev. 

"....prisoners were not in prison for traffic violations. They're major terrorist who have murdered, some with their own hands. They've kidnapped soldiers, buried them, alive, shocking stories," said Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon of the Likud Party in a response to Israel Radio.
Secretary of State John Kerry in a meeting
with Binyamin Netanyahu

Miri Regev, member of the Prime Minster, Binyamin Netanyahu secular center right party who called the monday night interior committee meeting, she called the meeting two days after Yuval Steinitz the Israel ministers of intelligence and international relations of strategic affairs told Israeli Radio there will be a release of prisoners "as a crucial remaining step for this proposed assumption of the Middle East talks."  "I don't want to give the numbers" Steinitz said, one of Binyamin Netanyahu close allies. their will be a heavyweight prisoners that have been jailed tens of years.  U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stated if everything proceeds with the peace talk, Israeli and Palestinian top negotiators will follow with a meeting soon in Washington, D.C.

A Palestinian Negotiator discussed the blueprint for the Temple Mount according to Matt Daily, journalist of Reuters, discussed a Palestinian Negotiator in reference to wether this plan will forfeit the built of the Temple Mount in order to give the land The Obama Administration quietly presented a plan in which the Palestinian authority and  Jordan will receive sovereignty while Israel would retain the land beyond the Western wall  President Mahmmoud Abbas agreed to open discussion on opening up a Palestinian State. The Temple Mount is one of the holiest  Israel has not agreed to give up their right to the plan proposed on the Temple Mount.  


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