
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What a Baby! Jasleen 13.47 pound Born Germany Guinness Record Holder

  Germany (CNN) - Baby Jasleen weighing 13.47 pounds was reported by Dana Ford on CNN to be one of the largest babies holding the Guinness World Records title. The child was born naturally and vaginally at the University Hospital Leipzig, and did not require a C-section. Under serious circumstances such as risks to the baby and mother, OB physicians may require a C-section.
The mother had gestational diabetes and was unaware of her condition until she went into labor. She normally didn't visit the hospital where she gave birth to her baby for her prenatal exams. Gestational Diabetes is a condition when untreated can cause the baby to be larger and can be prevented when monitoring dietary needs during prior to a baby's birth.

Chief of Obstetrics Holger Stepan said "We anticipated that the child would be big." One of the reporters of CNN replied when the baby was going to register for kindergarten. There was another record holder prior in 1879 weighing 23 pounds in Seville, Ohio. The baby died shortly after birth.


Do your parents rely on you too much? Have you given up your dreams so your parents can live out theirs? Do you find your self constantly taking up your their responsibilities? Are you and your parents still living with your grandparents? Have you become the de facto head of the family while your parents still act like children?

Are you planning on breaking away from your parents soon? Are you excited to fly on your own? Or worried about how they'll cope without you?

If you found yourself saying yes to any of these questions and appear to be between the ages of 18-26 we want to hear all about it. Email us at casting@triplethreattv.com. Please include your name, number, location, recent photo and tell us all about your story.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Thelma and Louise Two-Headed Turtle? WTW?

Thelma and Louise two-headed turtle were discovered at the
San Antonio Zoo and have their own Facebook Page.
San Antonio, TX- According to the U.K. Metro, the source is the first database that shows Thelma and Louise, a two-headed turtle that was discovered at the San Antonio Zoo. She or "they" now have their own Facebook page with almost 2,000 fans and counting.

Thelma and Louise were born on June 18th.  Texas zoo spokeswoman Debbie Rios-Vanskike says she is currently on display at the Friedrich Aquarium with other one headed turtles.  It is also reported that both heads get along fine.  Many couldn't see why they couldn't considering they only have one body.


Do your parents rely on you too much? Have you given up your dreams so your parents can live out theirs? Do you find your self constantly taking up your their responsibilities? Are you and your parents still living with your grandparents? Have you become the de facto head of the family while your parents still act like children?

Are you planning on breaking away from your parents soon? Are you excited to fly on your own? Or worried about how they'll cope without you?

If you found yourself saying yes to any of these questions and appear to be between the ages of 18-26 we want to hear all about it. Copy the title and send an email us at themediamagna@gmail.com. Please include your name, number, location, recent photo and tell us all about your story.

ReferCode: VanishaPR

8 Injured in FLorida Propane Plant Blast

Tavares, FL (CNN) - On Monday afternoon,  Lake County Sheriff John Herrell explained that the Blue Rhino plant workers with procedure and equipment failure caused propane tank cylinders to explode.  The 15 workers were originally reported missing as they fled the scene, but later found that some ran or drove themselves to the hospital. Blue Rhino was established in 2004, and onsite there were a total of 53,000 20 pounds with a total of over a million pounds of cylinders of propane, producing more than 2.3 million tanks per year.  Blue Rhino is recycle once refill propane tank facility where retail owners trade empty tanks for a new one for gas grills. 

The Florida Division of Emergency Management immediately issued an order of evacuation for the local area within a half-mile radius.  Fire Chief of Tavares Richard Keith put the fire out around 2 a.m.and now has the situation under control.  Keith stated "It truly sounded like a car hit our house."  Norma Haygood, a Tavares resident, reported to CNN WESH that it felt like "bombs going off," and witnessed a glow from the fire in the sky.  Parent company Ferrellagas Spokesman Scott Brockelmeyer is cooperating with authorities under investigation.  Brockelmeyer said the incident was "as sobering as you can possibly imagine."  He also declined to respond to the statement from Fire Chief Keith about the explosions were due to "equipment failure and human error."  

This has been a series of chain plant explosions in 2013 since the Texas fertilizer plant that occurred due to failure of safety regulations and killed 14 people, and the Louisiana chemical plant explosion occurred causing 1 death and 8 injuries.  Blue Rhino had one prior violation where the company was fined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) because of previous equipment failure.  Travares Administrator John Drury said it was "a blessing" that their were not fatalities in the incident with a large community in close proximity.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Youth Pastors and One Pregnant Dies in Bus Crash

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Indianapolis, IN-  There was a bus crash in Indianapolis involving a church reported by Today.  A bus camp was bringing teenagers back home from a youth camp in Michigan to Indiana Saturday afternoon. It killed 3 teens and sent 26 others to be hospitalized.  The bus speeded off the interstate at 465 in Indianapolis as they were on their way to arrive there home Colonial Hills Baptist Church.  They were a mile from home when the bus hit a retaining wall while it turned a curve and overturned.  

The group was expected to be at the church at 4:15p.m.  However, the accident happened minutes before they reached their point.   Tonya Weindrof, 51, was one of the identified passengers on the bus.  Two of the people were Youth Pastors Chad Phelps and Courtney, who was eight months pregnant. The bus driver David Maurer, 68, said his breaks on went out. Investigations of the incident are underway by local authorities.

MTV Casting Pet Owners: Doggie Academy

MTV's Emmy award-winning documentary series True Life is now casting a brand new episode!

Does your pet have complete control over your life? Is it hard to tell who's supposed to be at the end of the leash?

Perhaps your perfect pet was an angel until another animal was introduced into the mix. Have you tried everything from boot camp to holistic pills to control their behavior but nothing seems to work? Does the love in your life avoid sleepovers to steer clear of your unruly beast? Are family and friends finally asking you to make a choice because they can't handle it anymore?

If you've thought of giving away your pet for the sake of your sanity, but don't believe you could go through with it, we want to hear your story.

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 and 28 and have an unruly animal, contact us! Be sure to include your name, age, contact number, and a photo! Email us at themediamagna@gmail.com. Please include your name, number, location, recent photo and tell us all about your story.

ReferCode: VanishaPR

16 year Old Boy Gored to Death by Bulls in Spain Fiesta

MADRID (AP) - According to journalist Heckle Harold of the Associated Press, authorities reported a 16 year old teen gored by participating in the fiesta of the running-of-the-bulls.  The bulls were said to of made a stampede and ran on the back of the boy.  After being transported to the hospital and much attempted surgery, doctors couldn't repair the massive liver damage that was done in the incident.
SanFermines, 2009, Pamplona, Spain

The Running of the Bulls, from Spanish is translated El Encierro (encierrar- to close up, fence in, pen) is a seven-day festival that is a tradition that involves a small heard of bulls that are set free in a section of a villas that 
stampede down the street while a group of 
people run in front of the bulls.  

The origin of Running of the Bulls SanFermines is in honor of Saint Fermin de Pamlona.  The tradition was started during the early 14th century in the need to transport cattle and sell them at the market.  The rushing of bulls to the marketplace gave an adrenaline. The celebration of the running-of-bulls is practiced in the summer time in Spain, South of France, Portugal, Mexico, Peru, Mesquite, and celebrated on the west coast of the U.S. in the San Jose Festival in Trujillo.  The bulls in the San Fermines fiesta are also used in the bullring where they would be killed.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Is Fluoride Good For Your Teeth?

Fluoride is medicate the population through tap water faucets.  Brushing with Fluoride put in sanitized filtered municipal water is not natural occuring fluoride at all.  The two chemicals are considered highly toxic by the EPA and considered hazardous waste and are labeled as poison. Hexafluorosilicic Acid and Sodium Silicofluoride.  Hexafluorosilicic Acid (H3O)2SiF6 is an inorganic compound formula used in the water fluoridation process.  Sodium Silicofluoride (Na)2SiF6 is an inorganic compound derived from phosphate and salt used in the water fluoridation. Theses two chemical substances are created from phosphate mining companies. 

Phosphate is a mineral used for fertilizers and is mined from natural rock deposits and refined to produce phosphoric acid.   Phosphoric Acid is constantly compared with Battery Acid.  It is one of the main ingredients found in commercial products like Coke, Pepsi, even Water like Aqua Fina and more. Mechanics even recommend using Coke in the fresh state for cleaning sludge or battery corrosion on your car engine because of the strong acidity in the carbonic acid and also used for removing lime scale stains on  your sink or toilet or at home.  It is highly acidic drinking sodas can cause health issues such as bone loss, and kidney stones. The reason is Phosphoric is contaminated with high levels of Fluoride up to 40000 parts per million and 4% of the raw ore. Phosphate mining companies are the core issue of the epidemic of contaminated water.

The process to remove Fluoride from the phosphate, Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) is added to a wet condensed phosphate and water, causing the phosphate to vaporize and creating gas compounds called hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride.   The chemical gases were originally emitted smokestacks out of the factories.  Farmers suffered losing food crop and cattle loss due to the phosphate emitted gases of Fluoride Poisoning.  The wanted to figure out a way to maintain the assets of the nearby farms.  They installed wet scrubbers on the smoke stakes to capture and prevent the gases from destroying the environment and emitting into the air and.  Due to the vegetation and livestock loss, the wet scrubbers that carry phosphoric compound are transported and delivered to the local town or city and dumped into the municipal water supply.  

Water Fluoridation is the mass production of fluoride filtered into the water. Many dentists, doctors, and health practitioners are  There is also  a law that claims to prevent civilians from dumping hazardous waste or Fluoride into the water stream. sell hazardous waste to cities with the label Fluoride even though it is technically incorrect, considering it is a hazard to our health.  However,  Researchers has proven 24 studies of high amounts of fluoride in water supply equals low IQ's in children.  A study conducted by the Center for Disease Control in China discovered that each additional milligram of fluoride administered to children detected in each liter of a child's urine associated a decrease in their IQ by 0.54 point percent measured on a mental retardation chart.  Another study conducted discovered that the amount of fluoride decreased increased IQ score by 70% percent.  This proves that Water Fluoridation may be the cause of why academic aptitude has fallen over the years in leading nations.  Does this explain the reason why the ability to concentrate and learn is more difficult for children and how the advised health precautions to keep sugar and high-level mercury levels out of the diets of children who suffer from mental illnesses like Autism, Bipolar Disorder, and ADD?  The child may have a blur conception to think because of the overconsumption of fluoride.  The inner city is even more at high risk in the consumption of contaminated Fluoride Water.

The best advice to not consume heavy amounts of fluoride is seek a holistic dentist that is knowledgable about fluoride and high chemical levels in liquid and solid food products.  Also, using natural tooth paste and brushing at least twice a day with a natural whitening agent such as baking soda are one of the many ways to say no to fluoride.  There is also water filters at your local market that you can install on your water faucet or purchase a water filter for your primary drinking water.  It is better that a filtering attachment is placed on all the faucets of your home.  The more steps taken to prevent toxic chemicals that are hazardous or can decrease the ability to think is better then to have all the fluoride acidic water pass right through your system.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Stomach Virus has 285 people in 11 states Sick

(Reuters) - A form of the Stomach Virus has stricken people across the nation.  The virus is a parasite that causes severe of intestinal infection and diarrhea could last fifty-seven days and can either dehydrate or worst cause death. The U.S. Center for Disease Control and stated that the common case is linked to the consumption of fresh produce.  

Cyclospora is a microscopic single-cell parasite frequently found in contaminated fruits and vegetables. At least 285 cases has been affected in 11 states has been stricken by the parasite on fresh produce.  Several farms have been reported to have the parasite on the crops and suspected to have fecal matter on the chemical compound that is made to fertilize and a process of sanitization on crops.  Many would agree the biogenetic make-up of fruits and vegetables has been tampered with chemical sprays substances and not consumable for the healthy human body.

Symptoms of cyclospora include diarrhea, aches, nausea, and vomiting.  The condition usually fades after a week, but there has been more cases of the bacteria lasting more than month.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated that the first cases of the virus was reported in Iowa in June.  One way to sanitize your vegetables to prevent illnesses such as the Stomach Virus is to soak your fruits and vegetables with water and natural astringents such as vinegar.

Bubonic Plague Found in Squirrel in L.A. National Park

Squirrel here eating an acorn;
One was captured in the
 Los Angeles National Forestry
Los Angeles- The Black Plague was discovered in a squirrel.  Authorities shut down an entire section of the National Forestry outside of L.A. after finding a squirrel.  The Squirrel was tested positive for the plague after conducting routine surveillance activities.  

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health in a written health advisory stated about "230000 Visitors as precaution were ordered to leave 3 campgrounds and a recreation area of the L.A. Forest" which encompasses more than 655,000 acres in the San Gabriel Mountains just north of the Metropolitan Los Angeles, California   

Tourists were asked to evacuate campgrounds for safety precautions.  The Bubonic Plague or Black Death was the cause of death 25 million people in Europe during the Middle Ages.  Its a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans through the bites of infected fleas.    Health officials reported there has only been 4 cases of the bubonic virus since 1984 in the L.A. area. They advised Keep pets such as your dog or cat that are common to get fleas, away from wild squirrels.

Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walter's Have a 'Fued' on the View?

New York, NY - It appeared that Whoopi Goldberg expressed disinterested in the 1 hour special for Prince Williams and Kate Middleton's new baby Prince George Alexander Louis, Whoopi on the View exclaimed "I don't care...I wouldn't be watching." Barbara responded." Huffington Post stated there was rumored tension between Whoopi Goldberg and Barbra Walters. You don't care, but we're doing an hour special tonight! "When Howard Stern appeared on the view last year he observed the reactions between Whoopi and Barbra and motioned "I think Whoopi can't stand Barbra Walters." 

From Whoopi Goldberg (left), Barbra Walters, Red & White The View Special in 2010, right of Military Officers Joy Behar, Sherri Shepard, and Debbie Matenopoulos

Whoopi was so upset by the article written about the fake feud between Barbra and her she called the Daily News. Whoopi quoted "Who the Blut ___ told you this? It didn't not come out of my mouth. She hired me and we have a good relationship." Okay, so Whoopi has a right not to want to look at the 1 hour Barbra Walter's special on baby Prince George Alexander Louis or for own political stand points. We know that all tabloids care fore is the profit from gossip. 

Whoopi clarified her stance as to why she was not going to watch the special and how the world was going over a frenzy and expecting before the baby's first steps like the baby was to "walk out" or something.  Barbra Walters hoped to have a clear picture of the baby for the world to see and discussed what the expectations were and the royal baby's estate for the King of England third in line for the future.

MTV Casting Pet Owners: Doggie Academy

MTV's Emmy award-winning documentary series True Life is now casting a brand new episode!

Does your pet have complete control over your life? Is it hard to tell who's supposed to be at the end of the leash?

Perhaps your perfect pet was an angel until another animal was introduced into the mix. Have you tried everything from boot camp to holistic pills to control their behavior but nothing seems to work? Does the love in your life avoid sleepovers to steer clear of your unruly beast? Are family and friends finally asking you to make a choice because they can't handle it anymore?

If you've thought of giving away your pet for the sake of your sanity, but don't believe you could go through with it, we want to hear your story.

If you appear to be between the ages of 15 and 28 and have an unruly animal, contact us! Be sure to include your name, age, contact number, and a photo! Email us at themediamagna@gmail.com. Please include your name, number, location, recent photo and tell us all about your story.

Utah Teen Survived Spain Train Crash

Stephen Ward, 18, was a Train Crash Survivor
and discusses incident with CNN reporter

A coruna, SPAIN - Stephen Ward is an 18yr old survivor of the Spanish Train Wreck that happened in Santiago de Compostela.  "I've have nothing that is going to be permanent or is going to not heal on its own"  "I have contacted my family, they are very happy to hear from me." As he his interviewed, CNN shows recaps of the incident caught on surveillance cameras.  

Ward was asked by CNN journalist that he "blacked out"  He said "I thought it was a dream for a couple of minutes...."  He said the train suddenly left the rails as "luggages fell off the racks."  When he realized the catastrophe of the incident after hearing the screaming and seeing the smoke, he said he had a "scary realization" that "this was real."  Ward described that people were trying to get people out as fast as they can.  He said he suffered a concussion and did at one point felt the train as moving too fast.  It was recently reported that the train was traveling at speeds of 180 mph. 

Ward was also known to battle and conquer a prior form of cancer called Berkus Lymphoma, a rare form of cancer is an intestinal form of cancer.  He says he has conquered that and glad to survive another brush with death. Ward stated he was in Spain on a service fellowship mission trip on missions to represent the Mormon church.  He said despite the incident he is thankful he is alive and wants to continue to serve missions in Spain for about 2 years.