
Friday, February 28, 2014

Man In Embalming Room Comes Back To Life?! He's Alive!

Lexington, Mississippi (CNN)- Walter Williams, 79, from the little town of Holmes County, was resurrected from the dead in a body bag comes back to life after the mortician found his legs moving. Nobody is more surprised then his family and friends whom they are happy that he his alive and missed the farmer nicknamed "Snowball." Morticians were about to embalm him when suddenly he started moving squeamishly. Coroner Dexter Howard, received a call from the hospice nurse who originally told that Williams passed away. Howard even verified that Williams death around 9:00p.m. Wednesday night and told CNN affiliate WAPT that Williams had "no pulse, he was lifeless." During the process of finalized paperwork for Williams passing, his body was transferred to Howard and Bryon Porter from Porter & Sons funeral home.  It was their in the embalming room that they found right before they commenced to perform the embalming process, the body bag begin to move! They heard him began to breath and then called paramedics as they arrived to hook up Williams to life support to revive him. Some skeptics may find fault in this and 'think' that his pacemaker may of been unreadable and when the doctor checked Williams and didn't hear his heart beat was the reason why they pronounced him dead. Howard proceeded to tell CNN, "I think everybody at the hospital was shocked!" "I don't know how long he's going to be here, but I know he's back right now," his nephew Eddie Hester told reporters.  Clark County Nevada coroner Mike Murphy of the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners. Murphy did say this was not the first account he has heard of stories of people coming back to life in funeral homes. We now that a defibrillators are just one part in the respiratory support of someone coming back to life. Murphy did admit that just because he hasn't heard of it doesn't mean "it hasn't happened." 

Was this anything but a miracle. There was a similar account of many people rising from the dead. One recorded account being Jesus and another of recorded in the Bible about a man named Lazarus.  From naked zombie men, to resurrected men in hospitals, recent news buzz has just been getting stranger and remotely bizarre.  More ahead.

Read more:
Dead Mississippi man begins breathing in embalming room, coroner says - CNN.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/28/us/dead-man-comes-back-life/index.html?hpt=hp_t2


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