
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Barbie wants to Dumb Down iQ through HypnoTherapy? Lord Help Us!

California- A native born Cali women is known through out the world of altering herself to become the "Ultimate Barbie!" Blondie Bennett, 38, recently went through a series of hypnotherapy sessions in order to make herself brainless and decrease her IQ.  Bennett told Daily Mail that her 20 sessions has already made her feel "ditzy and confused all the time." "I don't  like being human if that makes sense." She when on and said she thinks "'natural' is boring" and she would love to be "more plastic."  Huffington Post also posted, although she "loves her looks" her friends and family don't agree with her lifestyle and don't approve of her plastic looks. Bennett has already had five breast augmentations and facial plastic surgeries.  

VanishaPR's question? What 'doctor' would approve this?! A psychotherapist giving Barbie sessions to decrease her IQ, more like a psychopath!  I know as women, we all have our moments of evaluating our images because of the bombarded subconscious misogyny of media, which fits with Agenda 21, but that's another conversation. However, my question is how can you hate yourself so much that you get so many Nip Tuck alterations, just to keep up, I guess only in Cali, with the Beverly Hill Joneses.  There are people with serious mental illnesses and you seriously want to dumb down your aspirations only to become a vegetable?  What are you modeling to young girls who want to become more than a brainless barbie when they reach womanhood.  My belief is God tailor-made you to be how you are or what you look like for a reason.  And the "I don't like being human" quote, "WHAT?" That makes me think this is this possibly another propagated story of transhumanism.

I would think with all the FDA approved GMO's, MSG's, Aspartame's, Azodicarbonamide, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Flourides, Chemtrails, and Radiation's concentrated in urban areas and other contributing factors including political issues, that would considered 'Brainless.' I remember something that an ancient scholar named James where he writes said in 3:16, "For where there is envy and strife are, there is every evil work." 

There is also a 135th psalm that says, " Silver and Gold idols from many nations made from humans have mouths, but do not speak . . .eyes, but do not see . . .ears, but do not hear, . . . there is no breath in their mouths."

Sorry, I could not resist.  I know she wants to become the ultimate superwoman that doesn't exist. If she wants to be a Barbie, then what does she really think about other women, including other people? Also, there's a way of looking so called sexy without being accessible.  Idolizing a doll that has no life or power to give you life or death is nonsense. There is even a human Ken doll that exists, and I wonder if researchers could find if they have the same or parallel psychosis. We still wish the best for these people and hope that they would want better for them to be their natural selves. If I have an unction of something, it must be said.   More bizarre details ahead.

"Blondie Bennett, Barbie-Obsessed Woman, Uses Hypnotherapy To Make Herself 'Brainless'." The Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.


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