
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Man In Embalming Room Comes Back To Life?! He's Alive!

Lexington, Mississippi (CNN)- Walter Williams, 79, from the little town of Holmes County, was resurrected from the dead in a body bag comes back to life after the mortician found his legs moving. Nobody is more surprised then his family and friends whom they are happy that he his alive and missed the farmer nicknamed "Snowball." Morticians were about to embalm him when suddenly he started moving squeamishly. Coroner Dexter Howard, received a call from the hospice nurse who originally told that Williams passed away. Howard even verified that Williams death around 9:00p.m. Wednesday night and told CNN affiliate WAPT that Williams had "no pulse, he was lifeless." During the process of finalized paperwork for Williams passing, his body was transferred to Howard and Bryon Porter from Porter & Sons funeral home.  It was their in the embalming room that they found right before they commenced to perform the embalming process, the body bag begin to move! They heard him began to breath and then called paramedics as they arrived to hook up Williams to life support to revive him. Some skeptics may find fault in this and 'think' that his pacemaker may of been unreadable and when the doctor checked Williams and didn't hear his heart beat was the reason why they pronounced him dead. Howard proceeded to tell CNN, "I think everybody at the hospital was shocked!" "I don't know how long he's going to be here, but I know he's back right now," his nephew Eddie Hester told reporters.  Clark County Nevada coroner Mike Murphy of the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners. Murphy did say this was not the first account he has heard of stories of people coming back to life in funeral homes. We now that a defibrillators are just one part in the respiratory support of someone coming back to life. Murphy did admit that just because he hasn't heard of it doesn't mean "it hasn't happened." 

Was this anything but a miracle. There was a similar account of many people rising from the dead. One recorded account being Jesus and another of recorded in the Bible about a man named Lazarus.  From naked zombie men, to resurrected men in hospitals, recent news buzz has just been getting stranger and remotely bizarre.  More ahead.

Read more:
Dead Mississippi man begins breathing in embalming room, coroner says - CNN.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/28/us/dead-man-comes-back-life/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Florida Restaurants Forced With Obamacare Tax aka Abrasive Careless Act!

Florida- Gators Dockside restaurants are now going to implement 1% Obamacare tax surcharge on your receipt. The restaurant chain is now asking customers to pay for the new changes to keep up with the ACA compliance by paying the taxes after you wine and dine, because of the employer mandates are high in costs.  The food chain decided to add the tax to all foods and beverages instead of inflating products to unaffordable prices. The Affordable Care Act costs could now could close the doors of the restaurant chain and is now in effect. Chris Peacock, Executive Editor of CNN Money tweeted "Now on your bill: ObamaCare restaurant fee."  The Obamacare Act has forced small businesses to cut their employees at least to 50% or have full-time employees reduced to part-time shifts.  Jonathan Chait, writer of the New York Magazine News and Politics, mentions of the coming Sharia FEMA camps that will go into effect once the hammer falls down!   I remember the days when I use to enjoy a morning breakfast at Cracker Barrel during my visits to Florida.  Now this time around I'll see the new ACA (Abrasive Careless Act) as restaurant charges. What an Obummer!

Obamacare-Hating Restaurant Charging Obummer Tax -- Daily Intelligencer. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/02/obamacare-hating-restaurant-charging-obummer-tax.html?mid=google

Guatemalan Man Attacked by Two Men After 45 Days in the U.S.

Trenton, N.J. (AP)- A Guatemalan man Julio Lopez-Cruz was killed on Rushling Street around 6:45pm after moving to New Jersey.  He was in front of his home while he was carrying groceries after an assault approach of two men. During the incident as the two men tackled him, he fell hitting his head on the sidewalk concrete ground and died.  After the attack, the two men fled on foot while other neighbors came out to help him.  Mercer County Prosecutor Joseph L. Bocchini Jr. announced the two men were believed to be Michael Holman and Dante Martin and were arrested for a felony murder.  He continued to say the mens 'bad decision to prey' on a 19 year old immigrant who's only been here for 45 days was 'senseless.'  After taking him to the hospital, authorities say he died shortly after the incident on February 15th this month.  The immigrant Cruz Cruz was only in the states for 45 days and didn't even get a chance to enjoy his new citizenship.  When he arrived during the winter time, close family and friend say that it was the first time he saw snow in his life.  Trenton Police Homicide Unit Detectives analyzed local area businesses and found the identity of the two individuals.  Two men were held into custody and may face up to 30 years in prison in lieu of $1 million for bail.  Latino men have been targeted as "Walking ATM's" for years, specifically in Trenton. What did they think he was going to have, mucho pesos?  It's a shame that some immigrants don't get to see the light of day just to have a better life, then to be persecuted by privileged Americans.


Hollywood Sarah Jones Remembered on Slates for Sarah

Sarah Jones, 27, on the set of Greg Allman's biopic Midnight Rider

Hollywood (CNN)- Sarah Elizabeth Jones died after filming musician Gregg Allman. The born in Columbia, South Carolina camera assistant was struck by a freight train along with several others injured after filming on the train tracks near Savannah, Georgia.  There are many images of Sarah in the Facebook group Slates for Sarah. There are more than 30,000 Likes to the Facebook page.  She was a member of the International Cinematographers Guild.  Her family and friends are now making efforts and asking for support for Jones's name to be displayed in a Memoriam list during the weekend of the Oscars.  Other actors have shared their wishes have worked with Sarah, from "Glee," "Downtown Abbey," and "Scandal." Now, a movement is created in Hollywood as well as stirred feelings in the air in how this incident could of been prevented. Sarah resided in Atlanta became friends with Eric Henson, who worked in the camera department on the set of "Vampire Diaries." The death of Sarah has impacted the attention of many throughout the world and in the film industry in hopes of creating ways to make filming environments safer.

Film crew worker's tragic death prompts Hollywood movement - CNN.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/26/showbiz/slates-for-sarah-elizabeth-jones/

This Day in Black History: Arsenio Hall

Arsenio asks NBC Nightly Brian Williams for apology of not including
him in his Brady Bunch Late Night Segment, Feb. 18th, 2014

Arsenio Hall is well known as a pioneer talk show host, comedian an actor. He was born February 12th, 1958 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of Fred and Anne Hall.  After a 20 year break he decided to rebirth the show to Warner Brothers network debut of "The Arsenio Hall" talk show that previously ran between 1989 to 1994.  He attended Warrensville Heights High School in 1973 and later attended Ohio University.  Arsenio has one son that was born in 1999.  He had A-list stars on his show from Michael Jackson dancing the moonwalk to the former President Bill Clinton playing the saxophone.  He was well known for the famous "Roo, Roo, Roo" chant with the fist pumps along with Arsenio wiggle dance.  Arsenio is also known to do voiceovers, one for the hit 
movie "The Real Ghostbusters" ('86-'87). 

He played well and won on the billionaire real estate investor Donald Trump's reality show "Celebrity Apprentice" in 2012 on NBC network. He acted along side with Eddie Murphy in the hit 80's movie "Coming to America" ('88) featuring supporting actors James Earl Jones. Films including Martial Law (He also was a co-host for Alain Thicke's, Thicke of the Night MTV Video Music Awards ('88-'91) and the hit talent show Star Search ('88). George Lopez, a sold-out Mexican comedian and actor, also credits Arsenio for breaking barriers that allowed him to have a late night show.  mongst many films and television shows, he was also featured on recently blasted NBC Nightly news correspondent Brian Williams for not including him in his Brady Bunch segment that included all late night hosts including Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kemmel, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, and more. He stated that "If you’re doing a story about late night, all I ask is that you mention me." He asked his viewers to petition Brian to make the changes by publishing his number.  He recently responded in an apology to Arsenio that it will never happen again. Arsenio has since announced that he as forgiven him. We hope to see many more years of the hilarious comedian!

Arsenio Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 27, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenio_Hall

FDA Revamps With Nutrition Label Makeover

Washington- The Food Drug Administration (FDA) for the first time in 20 years is giving nutrition labels a makeover. The FDA has decided to make the changes for easier reading. Commissioner of the F.D.A., Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg, spoke of the modern transformations that are taking place, “Things like the size of a muffin have changed so dramatically. The purpose is to increase public awareness of what is being consumed. It is important that the information on the nutrition fact labels reflect the realities in the world today.”  There has been a debate in the food industry whether 'sugar' is the only contributing factor to obesity. The soaring rates of of cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, and heart failure have all been a contribution Dr. David A. Kessler, former commissioner of the F.D.A. in the 90's stated a fact that still holds true till this day. "America has the sweetest diet in the world." The changes are simpler serving sizes, calorie numbers, and for the first time sugar servings. First Lady Michelle Obama, who also started the "Let's Move" campaign, supports the change. Deputy Commissioner of foods, Michael R. Taylor, made an estimate that the revamps of the Nutrition labels could cost close to $2 billion dollars.

U.S. Food And Drug Administration - The New York Times. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/f/food_and_drug_administration/index.html?inline=nyt-org

FDA: Nutrition labels getting a makeover - CNN.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/27/health/nutrition-labels-changes/

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Longest word in the dictionary interesting fact


Corey Stanford, an associate editor is a lexicographer at Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary says the word Antidisestablishmentarianism is not the longest word in the dictionary.  In fact the word is not entered in any of the Merriam dictionaries.  Rather, Electro.en.ceph.a.lo.graph.i.cal.ly is the longest word recorded in the Merriam dictionary.  For an example, a doctor may say "Have you examined the patient Electroencephalographically yet?  Antidisestablishmentarianism seems as if it is the longest word, but the criteria it lacks is meaning and widespread usage.  Webster has over 100 years of recorded information on usage of words and the word Antidisestablishmentarianism, although well known, is rarely used.  Three criteria are needed in order for a word to be accepted in the Merriam Webster's Dictionaries widespread, sustained, and meaningful usages.

Electroencephalographically - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/electroencephalographically

antidisestablishmentarianism - definition of antidisestablishmentarianism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/antidisestablishmentarianism

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Will Glass Be A Smash,"Glasshole"?

Google Glass, Photo Credit: Flickr
Google is now addressing the "Do's" and "Don't's" concerns with the new tech Glass gadget. Google Glass is a optical digital headset that is used that has improved functions as a mobile phone but more invisible and worn as hince the name "Glasses." CNN's Doug Gross disclosed the pre scoped i-Spy wear device was recently released by the mega internet corps tested by Explorers to be walking ads for the product. The headset was at a retail price for $1500 USD, but now may be traded between inflation prices of $300 - $600.  The device was also featured at the Mobile World Congress in the world's largest mobile trade show in Barcelona, Spain.Glass etiquette.  One common courtesy practice is being rude to stare at other's while having them on, or into space while to other's you look like a loon, and to not take unauthorized photos or videos without the person's permission. Stranger's have even approached device testers, because of the lack of privacy of taking photos or videos.  Glass is completely banned from restaurants.Google developed a derogatory term "Glasshole" to describe those who misbehave with the new titanium frames.  The same rules apply to Glass as it does to a cellphones. Turning the device off when asked is best then to ignore the request by businesses.  You still have to use the screen like to keep information in tact just as on a cell phone.  Google also advises if sitting in a public place with Glass gets to weird then put them away in your glass case or in your bag when your out and about.  Just be sure to not have it in arms reach of others.  It would be nice if they could implement a security lock that truly recognizes your fingerprints or remote control.

Google: How not to be a 'Glasshole' - CNN.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/19/tech/mobile/google-glasshole/

Monday, February 24, 2014

This Moment in Black History: Marian Anderson

I wanted to pay a tribute to the Great Marian Anderson. Anderson was an African-American cantralto and one of the most universal marking opera singers of the twentieth century. Marian Anderson was born on February 27th, 1897 right in the heart of Philadelphia, PA "The City of Brotherly Love." She was the daughter of John Berkley Anderson and Annie Delilah Rucker.  She had two sisters whom were also singers Alice "Alyse" and Ethel.  She attended South Philadelphia High School.

Alan Blyth, a music critic stated "Her voice was a rich, vibrant contralto of intrinsic beauty." Her singing voice opened up doors to many major musical venues throughout the United States and Europe between 1925 to 1965. She performed in concerts with fine orchestras. Anderson was offered numerous occasions to play a role but she perfered singing than acting.  On January 7th, 1955, Anderson made a ground breaking move for struggling black artist and was the first black to sing at the Metropolitan Opera in New York CIty.  The only time she performed on stage was as Ulrica in the show Giuseppe Verdi's Un ballo in maschera. She perfered to recite her songs in ritual and sung of literature in American songs, spirituals, lieder, and opera.

In 1939, the Daughters of Revolution (DAR) rejected her to sing at the Constitution Hall.  Franklin D. Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor Roosevelt showed favor to Anderson to sing on April 9th, 1939 at the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday. Anderson was an ambassador for "goodwill" United States Department of State and for Human Rights on the United Nations Human RIghts Committee. She was an advocate for the series of civil rights movements. At one movement conducted in 1963, she sung during the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" Anderson was rewarded and honored for her many achievements including a 1991 Grammy Life Achievement Award.

Marian Anderson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marian_Anderson

Saturday, February 22, 2014

MTV TrueLife: Casting Young & Passionate Religious Leaders

-Are you a young, passionate religious leader actively trying to spread the word about your faith to the masses?

-Are you a part of a religious/spiritual group (ie. Kabbalah, Amish, Scientologist, Christianity, etc.) and are at a crossroads or struggling with your faith?

-Do you come from or are still apart of an extremely religious family or community and want to break out of it?

If so, we want to hear from you ASAP!

If you appear to be between the ages of 15-25 please submit ASAP!!

Include these details:

Contact Number(s);
E-mail Address & Facebook;
Two RECENT photos of yourself.

And in a brief paragraph tell us about you and your religious world and why you want to share your story on MTV! To themediamagna@gmail.com

Disclaimer: Fair Use 17 U.S. Code, 107.  The following video is not intended to make crude comedy or offend anyone. The following clips in the video were taken from the movie Big Mama House and T.v. series Martin played by actor Martin Lawrence portraying a comic satire about a church service.

Justin Bieber the #Egginator Miami DUI Charges Dropped

Justin Bieber at Nitendo Store,
 NY, NY, Sept. 1st, 2009
 Photo Credit: Kerosene Photography, Wikimedia
Los Angeles- According to many sources, the Miami-Dade Judge dropped charges on Justin Bieber.  However, getting off of the ticket is not so easy.  Justin Bieber will be serving 40 hours of community service with random drug testing. His bond is set at $2,500 dollars. Justin Bieber was pulled over in a yellow Lamborghini and was arrested for DUI, driving under the influence, and drag racing, and resisting arrest on Jan. 23 after an outing with his entourage in the early dawn of Miami. The car was speeding at a 55 to 60 mph in a 30 mph zone.  Crickets? Miami Beach Police Sgt. Bobby Hernandez told CNN, Bieber failed a field sobriety test. Prosecutors advised that Bieber as well as an impact panel to hear stories of those victims effected by DUI.  Justin has just dropped a single after the verdict, called "Broken." The lyrics are very revealing DJ Tay James mixtape of DJ Radio 4. The lyrics go on with "..they can't take what's mine." He was positive for marijuana and Xanax.

Justin Bieber still smiles during mugshot
#Egginator, Photo Credit: Wikimedia
Justin Bieber was previously convicted of vandalism of his neighbors home.  Since them it seemed as if a series of horrible things in the media has been buzzing, either bad choices or a possible enchantment. Just saying.  Authorities, according to one source are still trying to find hard boiled evidence that Bieber is the egger in the neighbor's security. Bieber resides in a tight knit gated family community residential area were egging, and a loud entourage is the least expected. If Justin is convicted of felony vandalism, his visa could be revoked and he could be deported back to Canada. On the View, the panel divas discussed how even there are hard working immigrants such as the majority Mexican inhabitants of southern California and how in many unjust cases are sent back over the border under 'no cause.' Yet murders, thieves, and whore mongers have citizenship. Sharon Osbourne from CBS daytime talk show, The Talk, explained in Bieber's defense that he is just a kid and going through growing pains that he didn't have when bombarded with stardom at age 14. Comedians had a field day as Jay Leno poked fun showing a composite video of Bieber egging the camera. Sharon Osbourne and Sarah continued that sending Bieber back to Canada over some eggs is pretty "harsh." The incident traumatized the neighbors daughter as bad words were exchanged. So this is how you 'purge', your neighbors with eggs?  The story continues as the surveillance video has confirmed that Bieber is the #egginator. There have even been talks of him being deported back to Canada, ya?!

Justin Beiber was also detained in Newark, New Jersey for suspected marijuana on his private jet, right before the Superbowl.  Authorities claimed that the jet was.  Sherly Underwood of the talked also made a statement about Bieber's behavior saying that we understand the pressures of being in the public eye but why spoil what "...God has blessed you with..." as still millions of young people are looking up to Bieber as a role model.

Bieber also had one-on-one private intervention during his trip to Panama in January, with close mentors around him such as Usher, his mother Pattie Mallette, Scooter Braun, Ryan Butler, and Ryan Good. He also appeared with model Chantel Jeffries, a Kim Kardashian look alike, and model. The purpose of the intervention is to keep the person from falling back into addictive habits.

Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian pop star musician that has captured the hearts of man tweens and teenie boppers. Justin may of had grew into stardom before fully growing into puberty.  The singer was also seen urinating in a bucket in front of a fine restaurant last year and afterwards slandering Bill Clinton, politics?

This is a perfect example, as glamorous as they are, celebrities need prayer too.  Many do not want another Corey Monteith incident. Let's just hope that this is not another propagated blackmail and that the people around him have his best interest at heart.

Read More:
"Justin Bieber's 'DUI and resisting arrest charges will be dropped if he agrees to random drug testing in new plea deal'." Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

"Justin Bieber arrested on DUI, resisting arrest charges .com." CNN. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

"The Talk - Should Justin Bieber Be Deported?" YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Three Men Caught Stealing $9,000 in Meat

Authorities in Canaan Township Ohio with $9000
of stolen meat Photo Credit: Wayne County Sheriff
Canaan Township, Ohio- Fox News 8 of Cleveland, Shannon Carney reports, three men from Ohio have been caught stealing about $9000 of meat and poultry. James Malone, 36, Penny Malone, 41, and Tyler Chrostowski, 24 were all convicted of taking property. Deputies authorized a warrant throughout the home on Canaan Center Road.  Authorities discovered piles of meat covered in snow during an investigation in the house.  The Wayne County Sheriff reported theft details on the website.  The beef and poultry was found in piles under loads of snow all throughout the house in the fridge and and in two tubs.  Details are still being made as to where to meat came from.    The snow was placed on top of the meat to keep it cold.  The men were charged for hogging at least 850 lbs. of meat.  They are currently in custody at Wayne County Justice Center. Okay, maybe most of us has taken food from another's plate. Though this, there may be a perfect explanation for this as they were a hungry bunch!

7ft 5in Great Dane Largest Dog In Britain

Great Dane Freddy and
Claire Stoneman
at home in Essex
Leigh-on-Sea, U.K. (Barcroft TV)- Freddy is the Guinness World Record holder, recorded as the tallest Dog in Britain and surpasses the record holder Zeus.  Claire Stoneman, 38, is a taxi driver of a pink cab from Southend or Leigh-on Sea, Essex is the owner of two Great Dane siblings Fleur and Freddy. Freddy surpases the record of Samson, who is recorded as the record holder of 6ft 6in (1.98m).  The pup started out as any other puppy runt but caught a growth spurt reaching to a measure of 7ft 4inches (2.24m).   She says she spends a good eighty ninty pounds a week on 8 large cans of Butchers 12lbs tripes, 12lbs chicken, and 4 roasted chickens.
Ceasar Millan, "Dog Whisperer",
Melissa -DogersMom Photography,
Wikimedia Commons

I'm saying to myself with all the fortune that is going into the Great Dane, are you eating?  It is worth being a beautiful show dog. Now the sofas, unless you had a facility, you truly need a Gym for this one.  Dog Whisperer may help you gain some control over the puppies. So Adorable!
May I suggest, I don't know whats going on in the personal life of the dog coach Ceasar Millan, a Mexican American dog trainer, but getting a

"Britain's Biggest Dog." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Barbie wants to Dumb Down iQ through HypnoTherapy? Lord Help Us!

California- A native born Cali women is known through out the world of altering herself to become the "Ultimate Barbie!" Blondie Bennett, 38, recently went through a series of hypnotherapy sessions in order to make herself brainless and decrease her IQ.  Bennett told Daily Mail that her 20 sessions has already made her feel "ditzy and confused all the time." "I don't  like being human if that makes sense." She when on and said she thinks "'natural' is boring" and she would love to be "more plastic."  Huffington Post also posted, although she "loves her looks" her friends and family don't agree with her lifestyle and don't approve of her plastic looks. Bennett has already had five breast augmentations and facial plastic surgeries.  

VanishaPR's question? What 'doctor' would approve this?! A psychotherapist giving Barbie sessions to decrease her IQ, more like a psychopath!  I know as women, we all have our moments of evaluating our images because of the bombarded subconscious misogyny of media, which fits with Agenda 21, but that's another conversation. However, my question is how can you hate yourself so much that you get so many Nip Tuck alterations, just to keep up, I guess only in Cali, with the Beverly Hill Joneses.  There are people with serious mental illnesses and you seriously want to dumb down your aspirations only to become a vegetable?  What are you modeling to young girls who want to become more than a brainless barbie when they reach womanhood.  My belief is God tailor-made you to be how you are or what you look like for a reason.  And the "I don't like being human" quote, "WHAT?" That makes me think this is this possibly another propagated story of transhumanism.

I would think with all the FDA approved GMO's, MSG's, Aspartame's, Azodicarbonamide, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Flourides, Chemtrails, and Radiation's concentrated in urban areas and other contributing factors including political issues, that would considered 'Brainless.' I remember something that an ancient scholar named James where he writes said in 3:16, "For where there is envy and strife are, there is every evil work." 

There is also a 135th psalm that says, " Silver and Gold idols from many nations made from humans have mouths, but do not speak . . .eyes, but do not see . . .ears, but do not hear, . . . there is no breath in their mouths."

Sorry, I could not resist.  I know she wants to become the ultimate superwoman that doesn't exist. If she wants to be a Barbie, then what does she really think about other women, including other people? Also, there's a way of looking so called sexy without being accessible.  Idolizing a doll that has no life or power to give you life or death is nonsense. There is even a human Ken doll that exists, and I wonder if researchers could find if they have the same or parallel psychosis. We still wish the best for these people and hope that they would want better for them to be their natural selves. If I have an unction of something, it must be said.   More bizarre details ahead.

"Blondie Bennett, Barbie-Obsessed Woman, Uses Hypnotherapy To Make Herself 'Brainless'." The Huffington Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Neknominate Killed 5 Young Lives!

Nationwide- A trending game also known as neck and nominate has been going viral throughout the nation amongst young drinkers across social networks to drink and dare.  The game is called "Neknominate" where young adults drink and nominate the person to do outrageous stunts, such as jumping off of a bridge into water, or taking a selfie in lingerie in a public department store, or hanging off of a helicopter like its Black Hawk Down or Mission Impossible. Dr. Travis Stork panelist and co-host of the award-winning Doctors TV morning Show has already taken note of this rising trend and has already announced a 'Health Caution' and a warning to "STOP!"  This is another case of Monkey See, Monkey Do.  Have your parents ever told you, "if your so called 'friend' jumps off of a bridge, are you going to do it too?" We'll Neknominate is not necessarily a game of follow the leader, but rather leads to self-destruction, and even death. Warn the youth especially college aged students about the dangers of excessive drinking can impair informed decisions. I would stay clear and deer away from the danger games of drinking, and would rather just have an enclosed gathering of people that you trust on a family and friends 'game night.' I conducted poll research to the public for a Manchester radio station for research long ago about 'Binge Drinking' for Smooth 104.1 FM about the dangers and consequences that come with it. The game is popular in Europe, and has already been the cause of 5 deaths, much from alcohol poisoning. The drinking age is lower in Europe and the averages of alcoholic beverages in the past 30 days are much higher compared to the United States. In a John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research study, 70% in the U.K., have consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in the past 30 days compared to the admitted 33% in United States. A 2011 National Survey on Drug use and Health reported a staggering 10 million persons were underaged drinkers between the ages of 12 to 20 and nearly 6.5 million were binge drinkers, while 2 million where heavy dose drinkers.

We all have heard of the saying "wine is good for the heart," but to what extent does it get out of control. Safety practices limit yourself to one if you have to drink and you have low tolerance if you have to have one for tasting, not to get drunk and always have someone with you as a designated person that is trustworthy. If ever I would avoid drinking all together and stick with sparkling cider. You don't necessarily need a drink to jump start your festivities.  Just be yourself.  If your in a group and so pressured to drink, and they don't respect your decisions, then why hang with them, just to keep up with the fads of No!Go Rehab Amy Winehouse?   The British rockstar, Winehouse since passed due to an overdose of alcohol intoxication.  If your under age, then you shouldn't have this issue and shouldn't or 'best not' be drinking at all!  

There is a proverb in the 20th chapter written in the ancient scrolls of Solomon, a king known to be the wisest man that ever lived:

"Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls.Those led astray by drink cannot be wise." 

For the young drinkers or those who have addict habits or following the pressures of deadly trends, take heed of those whom lived and drank before you. 

"Neknominate." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

"Prevalence of Underage Drinking - Factsheets - Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth." Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014. \

NAACP Image Awards Airs Tonight On TV One!

As we honor and celebrate people of color in the arts, the 45th NAACP Image Awards will be held this Saturday evening at 9 p.m., will be an amazing show.

We recognized inventors, dignitaries, community leaders, artists that walked before us. Rosalyn R. Brock is the President and Chairman of the NAACP Board of Directory. Watch the NAACP Image Awards hosted by Anthony Anderson on TV One starting with the red carpet run down at 8 p.m., followed by the main show.

You can download the iOS and Android app to get a sneek peek and backstage footage of what happened. NAACP is a foundation that is one of the matriarchs of support in civil and social right movements and a resource in providing multiple scholarships and diversity grants for scholars continuing education. To learn more visit, NAACP.org.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Simon Cowells NewBorn Son On Valentine's Day!

New York, NY- Simon Cowell and Lauren Silverman welcomes a newborn son Eric born on Valentines Day! The baby was born at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City at 5:45pm weighing 6lbs and 7oz.  The Daily Times reported he skipped "British Got Talent" auditions to fly to New York for the birth of his first child and the second of Silverman, from Andrew Silverman. Simon shared photos on Twitter about little Eric, Jr.

From Left to Right: Laura Silverman and
 Simon Cowell holding Eric Cowell

The 54 year-old music mongul told sources that he named his son after the passing of his father Eric Cowell.  He spoke of his father, Eric Selig Phillip Cowell, past from a heart attack at age 81, and mentioned that he "was a brilliant mentor" as he was also a music executive. Beyonce also gave birth to Blue Ivy at Lenox in January 2012, and had shut the whole floor, spending a grandeur amount of at least $2,000 on the private service birth room.

Simon Cowell with
 babyEric Cowell
It seemed as in every media headline you could find Simon with nothing but a big smile on his face. From the sarcastic personality that has portrayed in American Idol and X Factor, many are relieved to see him in a lighter mood. Simon said he did know how much "love and pride" he would feel after having Eric.  We wish you the best of luck Simon! Your going to need it with all the joys of diaper pooing, cooing, and crying. Many will wonder how his disposition will hold up in later shows. More details ahead.

"Simon Cowell's baby is born: X Factor judge by girlfriend Lauren Silverman's side as she gives birth to boy - 3am & Mirror Online." mirror. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.