
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MTV True Life Casting : I'm In A Mixed Weight Relationship

  • Is weight the number one problem in your relationship? 

  • Do your partner's snide comments and judgmental looks turn every meal into an argument? 

  • Do you feel guilty when your partner goes to the gym because you'd rather just sit on the couch? 

  • Do you dread going out in public because you're afraid people will wonder why you're not with someone your own size? 

  • Do you even eat in secret to avoid being judged? 

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and you're ready to tackle the relationship issues caused by your weight differences, MTV wants to hear your story! 

Write to us at  [[YOUR EMAIL]] and give us your name, location, phone number, picture, and a description of your situation and what you plan to do about it to:


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