
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

MTV True Life Casting: I'm In A Mixed-Weight Relationship

Are you afraid that if you don't lose those extra pounds you might lose the one you love?
Or... Are you physically fit and the attention you receive is causing jealousy?

Is your mate growing mentally and romantically distant because they're uncomfortable in their body?

 Do you feel like the only option to save your relationship is to give an ultimatum to your loved one to lose weight?

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and you're ready to tackle the relationship issues caused by your weight differences, MTV wants to hear your story! 

Write to us at  [[YOUR EMAIL]] and give us your name, location, phone number, picture, and a description of your situation and what you plan to do about it to:


MTV True Life Casting : I'm In A Mixed Weight Relationship

  • Is weight the number one problem in your relationship? 

  • Do your partner's snide comments and judgmental looks turn every meal into an argument? 

  • Do you feel guilty when your partner goes to the gym because you'd rather just sit on the couch? 

  • Do you dread going out in public because you're afraid people will wonder why you're not with someone your own size? 

  • Do you even eat in secret to avoid being judged? 

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and you're ready to tackle the relationship issues caused by your weight differences, MTV wants to hear your story! 

Write to us at  [[YOUR EMAIL]] and give us your name, location, phone number, picture, and a description of your situation and what you plan to do about it to:


MTV TrueLife: Casting Young & Passionate Religious Leaders

  • Are you a young, passionate religious leader actively trying to spread the word about your faith to the masses?

  • Are you a part of a religious/spiritual group (ie. Kabbalah, Amish, Scientologist, Christianity, etc.) and are at a crossroads or struggling with your faith?
  • Do you come from or are still apart of an extremely religious family or community and want to break out of it?

If so, we want to hear from you.  If you appear to be between the ages of 15-25 please submit ASAP!!

Include these details:

Contact Number(s);
E-mail Address & Facebook;
Two RECENT photos of yourself to


Briefly tell us about you and why you want to share your religious world  with MTV!