
Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Angel Priest' Sighting at Scene of Car Accident in Missouri

Center, MI- Yahoo News reported a car accident and a Mystery "Angel" helped a trapped boy in a car crash and then disappears.  The incident has gained wide attention. A car struck Katie Lentz, 19, who was pinned between the steering wheel and the seat.  She asked the men trying to get her out "please pray for me."  That's when a mystery man appeared out of no where and the woman described a sense of "calm" came over her.  New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed told WKHQTV it was a Catholic priest who has oil with him. Everyone at the scene described that there seemed to be a change in the atmosphere and that they knew they would be able to get the woman out of the car.  When the Firefighters and officials turned to thank that priest that showed up at the scene, he was gone. Lentz friend Travis Wiseman said "where did he come from?" The man had the description in his 50's with a priests garment. There was also reported photographs taken minutes after the accident around the same time the man was present, and he was not in any of them.  Was it possible that this may of been someone fast as the speed of lighting to disappear in the midst of the incident? Could it possibly be that this was some possible being from another dimension? Or is there a slight chance that Angels exist among us and gave Katie another chance? What do you think?

Read more:

Pfieffer, Eric, Yahoo! News, "Mysterious ‘angel’ priest appears at Missouri car crash site"


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