
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Hicks Appeal to Abolish Supreme Courts Justice Ruling on Impartial Race Jury

Nationwide (BlackNews.com)- According to the PR Black News source, Founder of Race Justice Roger Hicks ruling which makes minorities legal to be tried by all-white juries has caused great injustice and discrimination practices in the system over the years.   Hicks is making initiatives to abolish the ruling to prevent civil rights modifications from drastically changing the justice system and deprives people of color  to have and impartial fair jury ruling in the judicial system. The Baston V Kentucky ruling states: "A citizen has no right to a jury composed in whole or in part of persons of his/her own race." 

"Indeed, in America, a country designated as the melting pot, with its many different types of people, ideas, religions, etc. existing together, radical diversity on juries would unquestionably improve a jury's ability to assess witness testimony, evaluate cross-racial situations, avoid unfounded presumptions, and permit a fair outcome in both criminal and civil proceedings. Equally important, racial diversity on juries would improve public confidence on part of African-Americans and other minorities in our American Jury System"

The Supreme Court has always used the reasoning of an impartial jury of possibly biased verdicts in the cases of citizens in favor of a jury with persons of the same race or ethnic background.   There has been a progression of events taken place, not in sole to minorities, that are affecting the freedoms of citizens in this nation from freedom of speech to the right to bearing arms. To sign the petition in opposition of this ruling, visit www.racejustice.org.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Man Implants RFID Chip in Himself for iPhone!

Amal Graafstra subdermal RFID implant by doctors,
iodine disinfectant for hand surgery Source: Wikipedia

Brooklyn, NY- Fox News reported that there was a man had cartoon characters and celebrities have stated there are some strange tattoos out their but this man must of made it to the top of the list.  Dr. Anthony Antonellius, a body modification specialist, cut open the gap between the skin between his thumb and finger.  The chip requires 30 minutes of some unbearable pain from a large needle.  The RFID microchip is no more than 1-2 mm and as small as a grain of rice.  It is an identifying transcoder to be planted in human beings and each carries a unique 16 digit ID numbers.  It was encased inside a glass capsule before implanting it in his flesh.  Antonellius stated  "I Eternal Sunshine'd that entire hour of my life,"  meaning that it would hurt like hell, literally.  

Avid Injector: Needle used to insert the
 digital RFID chip,
 Source: Wikimedia Commons
A Washington business owner and author, Amal Graafstra, had a cosmetic surgeon perform a subdermal implant in his left hand and another doctor in his right hand. Graafstra uses the chip to open the car door and log in ot his computer.  He as others believe the chip will help with security as well as other needs.  However, many disagree with the idea and debate if the cheap is a breach of surveillance and invades privacy, as well as other concerns of 'controlling' the thought processes of the human body and mind. British doctor was the first to have an implant, Kevin Warwick in 1998.  Mikey Sklar had the first implant done in 1999.  filmed the procedure, and discussed the implant on multiple interviews. The implant is being held at the Science Museum in London.

VeriChip Corporation received a preliminary approval in 2004 by the FDA (Food Drug Administration) to distribute and market the microchip in the U.S. under specific rules and regulations. However, in 2007, it was found chip implants in laboratory animals caused cancer, creating a huge impact on the company's stock prices. VeriTeQ made an acquisition to VeriChip on Janurary 2012.  The company is now led by Scott R. Silverman, former CEO of PositiveID and VeriChip Corporation.

RFID chip smaller than a grain of rice,
source: Wikimedia Commons
The GIF (graphics interchangeable format) has a fluorescent color and when held to an Android Phone or iPhones can scanned or detect information. The reason for the implant is uncertain whether the intention was to download information from the iPhone or whether he wanted to be scanned for information.

Read More:
 "What did this man put in his hand?" Fox News. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2013.
"Microchip implant (human)." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, n.d. Web. 29. Aug. 2013.

President Guatemala announced Jesus Christ as Lord of the Country

U.S Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks standing
 with Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina
 in Antigua Guatemala, June 4, 2013. Photo Credit: U.S. Department of State
Guatemala- Otto Perez Molina declared Jesus Christ as lord of the country last night at his first ever national prayer breakfast. Economic, Religious, and all types of dignitary leaders gathered in an international meeting in Guatemala to pray for their nations peace and to prioritize God as the center of the universe. 

"Today we name Christ as the Lord of Guatemala.  We declare his name that each of our generations will be generations that will live in a prosperous Guatemala" said President Molina according to a Hispanic news source AcontercerCristiano.net.  

During the meeting, Leaders were also encouraged to implement principals and values within their businesses, universities, and neighborhoods.  Speaker Manuel Espina, President of Guatemala Prospera, an organization that trains national business leaders how to foster developmental change within their community asked to leaders embrace prayer as the sole method by which their country can succeed.

"As a civil society Guatemala has alot of problems, but more than problems we have opportunities.  These are a chance of leaders to take on the role bestowed upon them to make the country different.  Our prayer is for each and every one of us to take a stand and being making a difference wherever we are planted."

  Two U.S. Congressmen were in attendance Robert Aderholt and Robert Hultgren. Congressman Aderholt is a Republican from Alabama an event that was held since 1953.  President Molina wants to continue to hold the national prayer breakfast to make change in to present society of Guatemala.  Manuel Marquin, Guatemalan Congressman will make initiatives to announce August 22nd as an official prayer of peace day.

Napolitano Homeland Security Announces Cyber Attack and Natural Disaster Ahead!

Janet Napolitano Head of
Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
Photo Credit: Dianna Gee, FEMA
Photo Library,Wikimedia
ABC News report Janet Napolitano Head of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warns of  massive and serious cyber attack and a natural disaster on the United States Homeland is coming, the likes in which the nation has never seen is likely on its way. So prepare to bring a large bottle of advil.  There is still pending a successor for Napolitano in DHS.

"Many things still need tending. My successor will certainly have a full plate on his or her hands.  She has been in DHS office for 4 years and resigns next week.  We know that Comet ISON was announced to come in November." Many have concerns of the details and when these series of events will occur.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ed Snowden NSA Leaker Documents Reveal Solar Flare to Effect Millions

Moscow, Russia- Edward "Ed" Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, agent, hacker, and fugitive who revealed U.S. secret documents was given 1 year of asylum in Russia.  The secret documentation that was leaked also included information about the solar flares of the sun is supposed to commence September 23rd that is suppose to wipe out millions of people.  Others speculate that the leaks are not fully clarified in describing that 'technology' instead would be disturbed, then affecting many people.  The possibility of the  catastrophic event was investigated 14 years ago.  The flares results is known as the "Kill Shot" in the worldwide Intelligence communities.  employed by the CIA project "StarGate" predicted the event since 1999 about the sun flares but has been silenced by government officials on the .  It is suppose to disable electronic food and water delivery systems.  In the 21st century, we have been solely dependent on electronic devices.  Since the Y2k scare, the The predicted shut down of all electronical devices throughout the world didn't actually occur.
Edward "Ed" Snowden, NSA whistleblower,
in asylum in Russia,
Photo Credit: Laura Poitras Praxis Films, Wikimedia

Many deemed it as a hoax while others conspired that the forewarning was a test run of what was actually suppose to come. incident when it The Central Processing Units (CPUs)  are expected to be the most vulnerable during this event.  Solar flares release electron surges that affect functionality of electronic devices.  FEMA's and the National Reduction Center of China have been preparing a housing arrangement for low-income individuals at gated and secure locations to facilitate shelter and food during emergency crisis.  The relationship between U.S. President and Putin is still in resolution as many contemplate when peace talks will fully wrap up.

'Angel Priest' Sighting at Scene of Car Accident in Missouri

Center, MI- Yahoo News reported a car accident and a Mystery "Angel" helped a trapped boy in a car crash and then disappears.  The incident has gained wide attention. A car struck Katie Lentz, 19, who was pinned between the steering wheel and the seat.  She asked the men trying to get her out "please pray for me."  That's when a mystery man appeared out of no where and the woman described a sense of "calm" came over her.  New London Fire Chief Raymond Reed told WKHQTV it was a Catholic priest who has oil with him. Everyone at the scene described that there seemed to be a change in the atmosphere and that they knew they would be able to get the woman out of the car.  When the Firefighters and officials turned to thank that priest that showed up at the scene, he was gone. Lentz friend Travis Wiseman said "where did he come from?" The man had the description in his 50's with a priests garment. There was also reported photographs taken minutes after the accident around the same time the man was present, and he was not in any of them.  Was it possible that this may of been someone fast as the speed of lighting to disappear in the midst of the incident? Could it possibly be that this was some possible being from another dimension? Or is there a slight chance that Angels exist among us and gave Katie another chance? What do you think?

Read more:

Pfieffer, Eric, Yahoo! News, "Mysterious ‘angel’ priest appears at Missouri car crash site"
