
Monday, March 18, 2013

Belly Fat Burners to Always Have

In observance of Spring Break, many are going on vacation and can't wait to show off their abs.  Losing Weight is challenging especially in the abdominal where most endeavor for a six pack to possibly sport in their summer gear.  Here are some of the ways in which Fat loss can be in progress.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

We know most do not believe in losing weight just by sitting like a couch potato. 

If you like to be like minded physical fitness individuals or seeking more to your exercise regime, inquire about a gym membership at a local gym and see what facility is right for you.  Most gyms also offer a physical trainer on general nutrition and what kind of exercise regime works for you.

Stop Eating Excessive Amounts of Sugar

We recognize that most foods everyone endeavors has light to heavy amounts of sugar.  Refined sugar is one of the worst forms to intake.  Even though there is no significant difference on how your body recognizes sugar, there are still preferable ways to sweeten your entree.  We admit however we use sugar with baking and dining out.  Your body recognizes artificial sweeteners, raw sugar such as sugar cane all as sugar.  Too excessive amounts of sugar can cause ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancer. 

Eat Age Appropriately

Everyone has different genetics and ways on how they lose weight.  A younger body is more lightly to use carbohydrates, converting into energy.  On the other hand, the older you get, the less likely your able to use carbohydrates.  The ability for your fats to be burned consumed are scheduled at different times of the day with certain foods you eat.  Ironically, protein at a younger age can cause weight gain because it increases more calories, making it harder for the body to process protein in a younger body.

Everybody Type Needs a Customized Food Plan

There are metabolic changes your body between 18-20 years of age the more you age, causing your body to gain more weight.  The best thing to do is to eat five small amounts of food a day with 3 small course meals and snacks such as fruits and vegetables in between.  You have to know how your body response to certain foods knowing what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat your meals. It all depends on your body.  Certain Carbohydrates can accelerate fat loss burning more fat while others body types carbohydrates can add more weight.  When the insulin is released in your body from the foods, everybody type has different responses to the carbohydrates and other nutrients. Everybody type needs more or less of each nutrient which is why it is recommended for you to consult your doctor before you venture on any diet.

Juicing Eliminates Toxins

Juicing is one of the most recommended way to have speedy weight loss and nutrition. It accelerates the time it takes to absorb nutrition from blended fruits and vegetables.  

Nutribullet is a juicer that has been proven to break down the core of foods and extracts for your body to better absorb nutrients.  Unlike other juicers Nutribullet is portable and allows you to juice in your own personal 8

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are for the enjoyment of the human taste buds and nothing further close to nutrition.  

Increase your Metabolism by Snacking
Now, I know some of you are thinking the Friday chips and dip as considered snacking. However, having a fruit or veggies to snack in between meals will increase your metabolism.  As a food for thought, I reckoned the Man upstairs new what he was doing when he created fruit and vegetables, perfectly portioned for us to take on a daily basis.

Drink Lots of Water

The recommended by the doctor  8 oz. glasses a day of water is not to be dismissed. Better to little then too much.  Water is designed to However, the excessive amounts of water can give you stomach aches, or nauseation while to little can leave you dehydrated.  It is recommended to not drink water while eating. Many believe that drinking while eating can digest your food faster.  However, it can be an endangerment if there are excessive amounts of liquids with foods causing We know that 60 percent of our bodies are made out of water.  According to Discovery Health, drinking excessive amounts of water ages back to the Science of Ayurveda, that more water is best at room temperature.  Drinking too much water can prevent natural levels of bile and acid to function in the stomach causing digestive issues by reducing enzymes, and could increase toxins in the body.  

Your Body Deserves The Better Health

The goal of us changing our healthy habits is for purposes of longevity.  The sooner we attack the way we nurture our bodies, the better in the future to prevent scientifically manufactured or genetic ailments such as diabetes, or high blood pressure.  Our bodies were not designed to consume artificial processed foods.  Even though artificial substances are included in just about every market, we still can do the best we can to eat as healthy as possible.

Chia is a seed that contains fiber and has a high amount of Omega-3 fats. Like flax seeds, Chia is good for lowering blood sugar and helps the body to respond to insulin better.  The higher sensitivity to insulin, the more ability your body is given to lose weight. 

Cayenne is a great spice for your foods that has capsaicin, an element that enhances belly fat.  Cayenne pepper is great for all types of entrees, especially for spicy foods such as rice, meats marinade, broths for soups.  Spices are also guaranteed to sweat out your toxins allowing you to burn fat more rapidly.

We know many love to eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. There are gluten and gluten-free types of oatmeal available in different brands.  Much of the worlds population with celiacs disease have a high-sensitivity to gluten and suffer an allergic reaction. Gluten can cause damage to the intestines  with s a whole grain, oatmeal is gluten-free and can rejuvenate your energy.

Gluten (gliadin / glutenin) is a binding protein composite and that uses startch in the endosperm for grass grains.   It is found in barley, rye, wheat, and other grains.  Gluten is used to create hair products, cosmetics, and fertilizer, and for other purposes.

Green Tea
Green tea is known to reduce fat is a fighting herb against high cholesterol, heart disease, cancer. It is also known with the ginseng extract as an anti-aging agent. Studies show that the substance catechins causes body stimulation and burns fat. Polyphenols is a plant substance that has losts of antioxidant found in most teas that boosts immunity. Green tea, black tea, and colong tea are from the root camellia sinensis plant. The tea leaves does not ferment when steaming, when making green tea. 

Eating greens increases the enzymes in your body needed to reduce fat.   


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