
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Russia Invades Kherson Gas Fields

Simferopol, Crimea- Russia has invades the Kherson gas fields near Kremlin.  Thousands of anti-government Russian protesters march in Moscow that are against the referendum in Crimea Ukraine.  Russian citizens agree that Ukraine is a republic and that the perimeter needs to be left alone.  As Vladimir Putin exercises power of Crimea the fear of the Russian people is that Putin will slowly strip away the freedoms of Russia.  Ukraine military forces scrambled to enter into a prohibited area along the surroundings of the Eastern peninsula of Crimea.  Helicopters landed in Kherson Oblast to seize a natural gas plant. There are checkpoints to stop cars.  Martial Law has already been implemented in the Slavic East again. Russian troops apparently told Ukrainian guards they had to patrol the station due to a possible terrorist attack. The Kherson natural gas station is owned property of Chornomornaftogaz.  Head of the Center of Military and Political Forces Dmytro Tymchuk army expert told reporters the Ukraine Foreign Ministry demanded Russia to "immediately withdraw its forces from the territory of Ukraine."

Read More:
Russian troops invade Kherson Oblast, Ukrainians declare right to fight back. (2014, March 15). Retrieved from http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/russian-troops-invade-kherson-oblast-ukrainians-declare-right-to-fight-back-339509.html

Russia Steals U.S. Drone!

Predator Drone by U.S. Air Force Base in 2011 
Photo Credit: NOAA

Russia hijacks U.S. surveillance Drone UAV MQ-5B flying over Crimea that spied on Russian Troops who were controlling the area in Ukraine.  The drone was flying at least 12,000 feet in the air when the Russian Federation had the technology to utilize a radio signal technology to intercept the controllers of the drone and stop U.S. operations according to a statement by Moscow company Rostec.  The identification digits revealed that the drone belonged to the 66th Reconnaisance Brigade based in Bavaria. AFP reported that the "drone fell in tacked in the hands of defense forces." China in previous years had the technology to confiscate our technology and took two of our drones and placed our drones in the Philippines islands. According to Washington Times, the Pentagon is sending 12 F-16 fighter jets to a military base in Poland for an unscheduled drill.  Meanwhile, the Crimea website and central bank website was crashed by hackers. The 1960 U-2 drone was shut down by Russia and a peace summit was suppose to take place between the U.S. and Russia but never took place.  Kerry debates that Russia broke international law by invading Ukraine and orders Putin to reverse the taking of Crimea.  Putin is suppose to decide on a referendum this weekend.  Obviously, this is a technology war that is in correlation with the NWO that is yet to come. Many speculate whether NSA leaker Ed Snowden, who found asylums in Russia, had anything to do with some of the technology mysteries that have taken place, but do not solely give him the blame since he is considered a hero. Is the recent event of the drone abductions have anything to do with the Malaysian plane abductions?  Ron Paul told correspondent of Prison Planet, what if Russia said that we are breaking international law since we just invaded "Guantanamo." America for decades spied on the Eastern communist forces especially in this crucial time now that technology is advancing.  A Drone is an artificial intelligence agent used to transmit communication that is autonomous or semi-autonomous and used for multiple purposes. Defense and intelligence agencies develop the drones in order to spy on possible threats or foreign affairs.

Read More:

Prison Planet.com » Russia Technologically Hijacks U.S. Drone Flying Over Crimea. (2014, March 15). Retrieved from http://www.prisonplanet.com/russia-technologically-hijacks-u-s-drone-flying-over-crimea.html

Russia claims to have downed U.S. drone over Crimea region - Washington Times. (2014, March 14). Retrieved from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/14/russia-claims-have-downed-us-drone-over-crimea-reg/

Friday, March 14, 2014

Malaysian Plane Disappears Out of Thin Air?


Malaysia (CNN)- MH370 flight to China disappeared out of thin air.  As the lengthy investigation continues, the public are aware that the plane did not crash.  Sources state that the pilot may have diverted the plan to a straight wind leading to an island. The planed contained at least 239 passengers ranging from the ages 5 to 79.  The triple 777 jetliner's flight was originally headed to China.  Top military sources investigate that the plane may have vanished in the Indian Ocean. The flight could have traveled 2400 miles, but it is unclear as to what direction.  Two U.S. officials have stated that the plane could have flown 4 hours beyond the last sighting on radar, because the system shows that the plane was pinning on the satellite every hour.  What happened in the cockpit of the plane was not an accident. There were two tracking systems to the plane, one was shut down, then suddenly the other was shut down, disabling the radar capability to pick up the planes signal. The communications systems were not a catastrophic accident but turned off systematically within the hour.  Malaysian Airlines were not compensated, however the plane still sends a signal to the satellite even if the airline did not purchase the data. The whereabouts of this plane is one of the most bizarre plane disappearances in history.  Even after the search finds a conclusion to this event, everyone is appalled of this sudden disappearance. We do know that the plane did not crash under water because the satellite would not be able to receive a valid signal.  There were photos released that the plane originally crashed showing floating debris in the water.  However, after the initial investigation Malaysians did not discover pieces of the plan, and were told by the Chinese that the images released were a mistake.  There are many scenarios as to the strange disappearance of the plane, dangerous laser lights blinding the pilots, possible abductions by extra terrestrial or government, or terrorists such as the two Iranians who stole the passports, or China to diverted the plane to capture the latest technology of the microchip. The pilot and the 1st officer of the flight were Malaysian.  At least 20 of the passengers were on the plane worked for Free Scales Limited, the biggest contractor for RFID microchip company in Austin, Texas.  The employees were computer engineers that had the knowledge of the development of microchips, nano technology, sensors, and biometrics used for undercover military defenses. Some of the passengers who were engineers had the patent to the technology.  Free Scales Limited has 18,000 employees worldwide in 20 different countries, one being Malaysia.   Could the possible motive be to divert the flight of the plane to an undisclosed location? Loved ones of Malaysian passengers rang the phones and electronic devices and discovered that they were still on power. Many ponder the news released by media sources is unbelievable and that a plane does not just disintegrate out of thin air without a trace!

Malaysian MH370 triple 777 Jetliner Flight
to China disappears in thin air?

VanishaPR's Opinion: Where is Samuel L. Jackson in situations such as this? "Get these *** terrorist off of my *** plane." I don't agree with the swearing. However, this is definitely not a light situation, but bizarre! Just saying.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

9 Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered In Israel

Book of "Dead Sea Scrolls" at the Israel Museum in
Jerusalem November 2012
Israel - There has been a discovery of 9 Dead Sea Scrolls. The discoverer Yonatan Adler, investigated by going to the Israeli Antiquities Authorities (IAA) and conducted a CT scan to confirm the parchment scrolls.  The results revealed that they are the real scrolls.  Experts are currently processing the of the scrolls and are very careful as the condition of the scrolls are ancient from King Herod's era between 530 B.C. and 70 A.D.  The Dome of Rock is now where the Second Temple will be built today, where King Solomon once ruled.  The scrolls were discovered in a small leather box. The scrolls are over 2,000 years old before the time of Jesus Christ.  Around the 1940's, Remains of more than 900 manuscripts were found in Qumran in 11 caves.  Many wonder as we have the 8 wonders of the world, one being the "Dead Sea Scrolls," what ancient scholars have written and what mysteries will be revealed.

Read More:
Nine new unopened Dead Sea Scrolls found in Israel | Mail Online. (2014, March 12). Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2579490/Nine-new-unopened-Dead-Sea-Scrolls-Israel.html

Saturday, March 8, 2014

3 Reasons Brandon Howard May Be Michael Jacksons Son!

TMZ did a Google search investigation of the DNA logo that was posted to be the symbol of the paternity testing lab "DNA Lab" in Ireland. Apparently, there is no such lab that exists and when discovering the docs online, reporters found that the logo appeared to be a similar logo exactly like the one on Terminator Salvation.  Alki David told TMZ that he received a dental impression of Michael Jackson from a Beverly Hills doctor who brought it at an auction. The results found were that the logo was bogus. Corey Feldman released the DNA results. Corey Feldman was a close friend of Michaels. In a recent published book he reveals molestation accounts in Hollywood and did testify at one point against Michael Jackson in a trial.

Brandon's Is The Son of Micki Howard, A Renowned Gospel Singer
TMZ featured of video of Brandon Howard, also a singer, who was said to claim to be Michael Jacksons son. There were alleged test results to prove that Brandon Howard is 99.9% Michael Jacksons decent. Brandon Howard is the son of Micki Howard, a renowed gospel singer who nickname was billy in 1982. The song hince "Billy Jean" lyrics quote "is not my lover...the kid is not my son," may of been whom Michael was singing about.

B. Howard Says He Has "Nothing To Do With This"

Brandon Howard posted a video on Facebook claiming he has nothing to do with this claim.
1. He never claimed he was Michael Jackson's son.
2. He is not planning to sue the Jackson estate.
3. He did take a DNA test, but not for the same purpose released by sources such as TMZ.

His Voice Sound Incredibly Similar To MJ 

In his performance in the video, his voice sounds similar to the late Michael Jackson. You can undeniably say that he favors him as well.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Canada Kicks Out Russian Soldiers in 24 Hours

 Royal Canadian Air Force CC-150 Polaris Airbus
aircraft, top, with the 437th Squadron
Canada- All Russian soldiers have been banded from Canadian borders. Government sources have state they have 24 hours to leave their country or additional actions will take place. According to CTV News, there were nine Russian soldiers who were participating in Canada's military exercises were expelled from the program.  Six soldiers were station at St. Jean Quebec, where they were in an immersed language program to learn French. Two where stationed in Gagetown for military training.  One soldier was teaching Canadian soldiers Russian in Gatineau, Quebec. Prime Minister Steven Harper announced that exercises between the Royal Canadian Armed Forces with the Russian Federation and NORAD's Exercise Vigilant Eagle "have been suspended," and would not continue because of the referendum in Crimea  to join Russia and that the area is under "illegal military occupation."  As Canada tries to dissect Putins motive and condemns Russia's invasion in Crimea.  Ottawa has declared, the prime minister and parliament members have decided to remove all ties with Russian.  Harper announced that he will send two representatives to join the international military mission in Crimea to cease assets of former members of the regime of Viktor Yanukovych. Foreign Minister John Baird said "you can't have a referendum in 10 days."  Talks circling in international governments throughout the world considers proposals such as this absurd and not surprisingly aggressive that Russian President Vladimir Putin wants the Bear hand to rise again.

Exclusive: Russian soldiers training in Canada given 24 hours to leave country | CTV News. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/russian-soldiers-training-in-canada-given-24-hours-to-leave-country-1.1717172

Everything Must Go! Chain Stores Closing Nationwide!

Chain Store Closing Sale at Circuit City, 2009

Nationwide (CNN)- There has been a chain of stores that have survived decades of sales in retail merchandise.  From electronics to clothes the brick and mortar of retail shopping has been in popular department stores for years, until the recent down slope of the economy has shrunk the middle class and gigantic online retailers like Amazon.com has taken over the way retailers shop.  Why go to the department store when you can find a deal at a discount for a more reasonable price online, possible with free shipping?  The devestating news especially to employees is like the plummet of Circuit City back in 2009.  JCPenny amongst one of the most well known retailers are cutting 2,000 jobs and downsizing 33 store locations to generate an estimate savings of $65 million dollars.  By 2015, Staples plans to close 255 store locations in order to save a goal of $500 million. Great for corporate moguls but what about the people?  RadioShack the shack of convenient electronics is a competitor of Best Buy, and decided to give 1,100 stores a hang.   The Superbowl Ad RadioShack's Stuck in the 80's Ad was reported to have boosted stocks.  did mention that Radio Shack chain stores were out of style and in need of a makeover.  The possible number of layoffs and store closings were undisclosed.

J.C. Penney cutting 2,000 jobs, closing 33 stores - Jan. 15, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2014/01/15/news/companies/jcpenney-jobs/index.html?iid=EL

Everything must go: There's a flood of store closings - Mar. 7, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2014/03/07/news/companies/retail-store-closings/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Staples to close 225 stores - Mar. 6, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2014/03/06/news/companies/staples-store-closing/index.html?iid=EL

Smog Cleaning Drones In China's Dome

Smog Pollution concern in Beijing, China 
China- The government has declared a "war on pollution" with smog cleaning drones.  A local Chinese manufacturer developed the drone to stop the  pollutant particles in the air. At least 100 tests have already been conducted and there will be more in public areas such as airports.  China has a population of close to 2 billion.   Premier Li Keqiang has held cabinet meetings with China's parliament and has said the smog in the air has become a major pollution problem and detrimental to the health of China.  The plan is currently to use energy resources and lower dangerous high-emissions PM10 and PM2.5 in the air.  The new drones can carry a heavier amount of pollutants and less expensive.  One drone can carry more clean chemicals to remove the smog in the air up to 700 kilograms. China has used drones for almost a decade.

China to fight pollution with drones - Mar. 7, 2014. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://money.cnn.com/2014/03/07/news/china-pollution-drone/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

George Lopez Arrest For Public Intoxication On Casino Floor

Ontario, Canada- The renowned comedian George Lopez, 52, was arrested for public intoxication on Feb. 27th, according to TMZ. Authorities found him asleep on the floor of the Canadian Casino Ceasars Windsor. Mr. Lopez is in good standing and no charges are being filed against him.

Hilarious as always, Lopez joked about his arrest, "Tied one on last night. Not feeling great this morning. I was trying to sleep it off; unfortunately, it was on the casino floor."  Lopez had a show scheduled at the casino called "Saint George ."  George Lopez is a Mexican American comedian known to be hilarious and has sold out featured comedy shows on many occasions.  Next time, Lopez will be aware of the fall out before the media releases it. Sleeping it off may not wear off the intoxication.  Just joking saying, easy on the Coronas!

George Lopez Arrested For Public Intoxication After Falling Asleep On Casino Floor. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/01/george-lopez-arrested-casino_n_4880233.html

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mom Drives Van With Three Kids In Daytona Beach Ocean

Daytona, FL- Pregnant mom drives minivan in Daytona Beach ocean. Child yells out "Help Us! My mom's trying to kill us."  Tim Tessenner was driving down Daytona Beach when he heard the cry.  He thought it was an unusual call so he responded to the alarm. The son attempted to turn the steering wheel to turn his mothers vehicle back to shore as the mom repeatedly stated "We're OK," but instead took a sharp left turn into the Daytona Ocean.  South Carolina, Ebony Wilkerson, 31, had three children including herself and was making a suicidal attempt.  By the grace of God there were bystanders nearby that prevented them from being taken under by the waves.  Bystander Stacy Robinson pulled out two of the kids.   Bystanders heard the call and helped. They also shouted out "baby in the back seat" as bystanders rescued the third child that was strapped in the car seat.  A lifeguard dived in to unbuckle the car seat and rescued the baby. The mother walked away from the scene emotionless.  Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson  said she was under mental health evaluation at Daytona Beach Hospital.  The children are now under states care and authorities are still awaiting for the cooperation of the woman to speak to with detectives about her intent.  Officer Mike Chipwood stated that her sister called 911 dispatcher and told her that her sister had been talking about "demons" that day before she left the house.  She did not meet the Florida 1971 Mental Health Act or Bakers Act and was released after investigation and evaluation.   Also the women later told authorities that she was concerned about her safety and paranoid that her former husband would harm her.

 Say what?! I can truly say goodness and mercy was with those kids no doubt about that.  Though her being excused after this incident is appalling.  Also considering if you believe that she has admitted to speak to demonic entities before leaving that may of aggravated her to do this event is disturbing.  If no meds, then maybe an exorcism prayer at a local holiness church. Seriously! The times that were living in goes on.  Something has to be done for the safety of the kids to prevent this from happening again.

No More 'UpSkirt' Peeking Toms

Woman posing in square
Massachusetts (CNN)- A female that was riding the trolley while a man secretively upskirted her on a trolley.  Gov. Deval Patrick passed a bill to prevent photographing or videotaping up a skirt or down a blouse. Justice Margot Botsford of Supreme Judicial Court stated a person sitting on a trolley such as the women upskirted are not considered "partially nude" or indecently exposed. The crime is punishable to 2 1/2 years in prison with a $5,000 fine.  In 2010, there was an incident of who used his cell phone to photograph and video tape multiple women under their skirts who sat on the trolley.  Police created a decoy operation to arrest Robertson.  Transit complaints were made to MBTA Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority following plans to catch 32 year-old Michael Robertson.  The case was dismissed, but outraged lawmakers and was taken to the highest court.  MA Senate President Therese Murray "We are sending a message that to take a photo or video of a woman under her clothing is morally reprehensible and, in Massachusetts, we will put you in jail for doing it."  He continued to state as technology evolves, protection has to increase.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fuzz Memory? Before the End of The Week. . .

VanishaPR will create an instrumental or loop every week. Stay tuned, free download.

Monday, March 3, 2014

North Korea Shoots Two Missiles in the Sea

Missile launch exerciese 2013, Wikimedia Commons

SEOUL (Reuters)- Two missile shoots were fired on the coast of Seoul peninsula in North Korea, Defense Ministry reports.  Kim-Min Seok said "The North is taking a double-faced stance by making conciliatory gestures on one hand and pushing ahead with reckless provocation on the other." The Scud-C model missiles flew 500 km (310 miles) off of the east coast on mobile launch pads according to Yonhap, a South Korean news agency.  The distance estimated possible targets Japan and South Korea.  Short-range missile exercises are apart of North Koreas usual routine. The annual joint military missile launch between the U.S. and North Korea has been denied to be a war preparation as many believe the event is a rehearsal for a future invasion. Lieutenant Colonel Damien Pickart told AFP that the launch was unexpected by analysts. The Pentagon urges Pyongyang to stop the aggressions of the missile program exercises

North Korea fires two short-range missiles into sea: Seoul| Reuters. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/03/us-korea-north-missile-idUSBREA210YT20140303

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Before The End of the Week...

VanishaPR will attempt to create a loop every week. Stay tune, free download on SoundCloud.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

UN Calls Emergency Meeting On 15,000 Russian Troops in Ukraine

New York- The UN council has called for an emergency meeting on the events of Russia invading Ukraine with 15,000 Russian troops.  Russia proposed to take military action on the Ukraine to protect the "Federation of Russia."  There are 3,000 unidentified troops that are believed to be Russian since they speak, well Russian.  The Russian parliament gave Vladimir Putin the go ahead to invade Crimea Ukraine.  There are 5 members of the UN Security Council including United States, United Kingdom, China, France, and Russia.  The United Kingdom requested the cabinet meeting immediately according to diplomats of Luxembourg. Troops have taken over Ukraine military, bases, and the Crimea airport.  President of Ukraine, Oleksander Turchynov has called an emergency meeting for security.  A Russian warship is also on the coast of Havana, Cuba. Ninety percent of the Russian council voted Putin to make the invasion.  Russia has a large naval base where the Black Sea Fleet is stationed in Sevastopol, Russia.

The UN Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin was requested by the parliament to come back to Moscow and was told to "break all diplomatic relations with the United States."  Ukraine ambassador, Yuriy Sergeyev, requested the UN to do everything they can to stop the Russian aggression.  Obama has spoken once this friday that he was "deeply concerned" about the invasion, even on unspecified coasts.  Remember the media has portrayed the agreement between Obama and Putin that has always been stone cold. Many following the peace talks and the chaotic warring stirs of Russia are tired of the watching the play and waiting for the unveiling!  NATO has a meeting on Sunday about the rising concerns of the Ukraine.  Was this a diversion to send aid to Ukraine while we have to protect our coasts.  It looks as if Ukraine is with no ally support and may fall under the dictation of Vladimir Putin.

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