
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Merrill Held Hostage In North Korea

Vice President Joe Biden discusses release of Merril Newman,
detained Korean War Veteran at the Korean War Memorial
 in Seoul North Korea Dec. 13, 2013

North Korea- An 85 year old veteran Merrill Newman, a detained Korean Army Veteran, has been held hostage in the prisons of North Korea. Kerry invited to take a flight on his airforce plan, however Merrill insisted he wanted to take a regular 'normal' flight home.  Kenneth, a missionary is still held in North Korea and sources are still investigating as to what is his conviction.  Kim Jun UN ordered for his uncle Jang Song Thaek to be arrested from a political meeting.  Thaek was the second most powerful man in the secret of state in North Korea and the key to is Kim Jun UN rise to power. Thaek was accused of criminal offenses including financial corruption, drug abuse, and womanizing.  Based on these reasons Thaek was thrown from the workers party. Vice President Joe Biden made a trip to North Korea to discuss the release of Merrill Newman and to keep resolutions between North Korea and the Republic of South Korea.

Many feel the irony of Thaek bringing UN to power in the first place over North Korea, and in return being thrown out of power by his nephew, whom he has put in power.  The agency stated Kim Jun UN stated Thaek of living a deprived life and ordered to "throw him in the streets or in prison...... effected by the capitalist way of living." The decision was also based on the country's financial mismanagement.    Kim Jun UN ordered the stadium to be packed with over 10,000 witnesses a machine gun style execution of 80 people. The dictator has already declared to be atheist. Many only hope for a change in the structure of an oppressive communist country.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Aussie "HEAT WAVE" from FireBalls?

Heat Wave in London Planes Trees in
Wagga, Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
Victoria, Australia- A Heat Wave hits Australia as lightning flares that may of been from meteor shower emitted extreme hit. Authorities fear that brush fires can ignite due to the raining fireballs and weather changes. There were more than 150 wild fires caused by lightning strikes overnight. There were also reported 14,000 residents of Tasmania had power cuts and the road tar melted because of the sweltering heat. Official Ian Ferguson stated "The extreme temperatures of Victoria over the coming 3 days will test fire services and the community. It's critical we minimize the risk of any fires before Friday." Many joke it is so hot, you can cook eggs and have breakfast on the grounds, but the dangerous heat is no laughing matter as lives are at risk. Aussies felt rising temperatures of 46°C and 115°F. Scientists have said the Earth's tilt is roughly 24° tilt, 23.8°, would cause "extreme weather patterns." What caused the tilt? It is still undetermined, from what we know, the atmosphere has been shaken by ISON and possibly the black hole in the sun.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Father Dies In Theater Over Texting Daughter

Wesley Chapel, FL (ITN)- A 71 year- old retired cop, Curtis Reeves is now convicted of second degree for shooting a father, identified as 43 year-old Claud Oulson that was shot over a teen daughter texting on her phone. The father took his daughter to the cineplex for a movie. Apparently, it was distraction at the theater leading to a heated argument between a retired cop and the father. Suddenly, as words were exchanged shot flares were fired and the father was found stretched out on two other movie patrons. His wife nicole as well was injured for grabbing her husband to stop the altercation.

Jamire Dixon, another movie goer on Dec. 28th, two weeks before the incident, said the man followed her to the restroom right after staring at her strangely while texting in the theater. Authorities report that this is not the first time the ex-law enforcer had a run-in with the law. Judge Lynn Tepper is denied Reeves bail after hearing discussion s that it was not a "stand your ground" incident. This is a sad scenario about how something so petty can get blown out of proportion.

Monday, January 13, 2014

South Carolina Nuclear Plant Leaks Radioactive Plume

A nuclear generation plant in Jenkinsville, South Carolina
South Carolina - There has been another radioactive chemical spill, this time in South Carolina. According to MSNBC, From Barnwell Nuclear Plant, the toxic plume leak has contaminated the ground water. The east coast chas been 'infected' with numerous "radioactive" disasters within the past. As a reminder, thousands of people in Charelston, WV are getting sick and reports, not in mainstream media, alsovshows 'civil arrests' are also being conducted. The Barnwell Nuclear Plant has over 235 acres of land. The original owner of Barnwell was CHEM nuclear systems, and now owned by ENERGY SOLUTIONS. It has been the sole operator of disposable waste since 1971. According to news source WLTX of South Carolina, the plume is moving southwest toward the Savannah river. Traces of tritium have been discovered in the Mary's Branch Creek. We only hope that local residents are 'aware' of the possible 'contamination' of water as FEMA continues to remain silent. Tom Clement Nuclear Campaign Coordinator of Friends of the Earth states "we have to look at ways to stop it from leaking from the dump." DHEC has documented the plume leak but many are concerned that the contamination levels are being announced to local residents to 'not drink the water.'

Charelston, West Virginia Chemical Spill Continues

U.S. Army Pfc. Jacob Mason, 1257th Transportation company
West VA Army National Guard fills water trailer at the  

Boy's Scout Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve
 in Mt. Hope due to chemical spill on Charleston Elk River.

Charelston, West Virginia- Chemical spill in West Virginia crisis continues so far for almost a week. A number of 300,000 residents are accounted for that have been possibly exposed to the radioactive chemicals. Officials reported that the ban on water may be lifted soon but is ongoing as residents have to bath, wash clothes, brush teeth, cook, clean, and drink with bottled water. The recent incident has been so bizarre, it has even been compared to the likes of the new Sci-Fi series HELIX. There were already reports of reactions to the chemical spill such as symptoms of nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, fevers and more. Lab testing has been conducted and revealed that toxins are now below contamination levels or decipitated in water samples. Daniel Jones, mayor of West Virginia, is furious with government emergency aides as the question still remains why the chemical spill occurred in the first place. The water is still contaminated and not safe for consumption unless notified by FEMA as testing proceeds. FEMA has directed people to have 3.3 Liters per hour, very controlled in water resources. There have been speculations of the WV chem spill only receiving 20 secs of news coverage, not as much attention, while Chris Christies Washington bridge spectacle is filling up the entire news hour. Many wonder what will FEMAs next steps be? Quarantine residents of freak accident CHEM spills with claims that can change someone into a potential mutant?

Comet ISON Debris Showers Fireballs

WORLDWIDE- Comet ISON debris may have caused fireballs to reign down on the earth. There are reports from Canada, Europe, in the U.S. many found in Connecticut and New York and other places throughout the globe. In Australia, the light flares from the meteorite storm were reported to light up the sky as bright as the sun. ISON's meteor trail has already begun to break the Earth's atmosphere. ISON was a warning by scientists back in April of 2013 and was perdictedcto reach earth in November. When the predicted day of ISON came, the trail of the gigantic meteorite commenced to hit the surface of the earth. Now, many are witnessing what may be meteor shower causes by ISON's debris. The debris fills 250,000 kilometers (km) wide and length of 12,000 km. Jessie of BP Earth watch reported that many witnessed a huge blue steady object that appeared to be descending in a slope. Many are concerned of ground impacts as meteorite showers were heavy in places like New York.

Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Earthquake measurement diagram map showing
earthquake activity between
the borders of Iran and Pakistan
A staggering 55 earthqakes within an hour has occured in northern California. A total of 28 Eartquakes has happened in a day around the world. Puerto Rico had a 6.4 earthquake. There has been a 4.9 on the southeast borders of India, 4.5 in the Fiji islands, and 4.5 in California. Scientist determine whether the number of earthquakes are due to the recent changes in the earth's atmosphere, from the Polar Vortex to Comet ISON, may have caused a shift to the earth's magnetic plates. The more the earth's atmosphere changes the more traumatic events. Expect more to come soon.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

100,000 Bats Fall Out of The Sky Dead

Queensland, Australia - According to reports in Australia, 100,000 bats fell from the sky. From witness reports 100,000 bats flew full forced to the terrain. The incident caused head trama in the animals causing death in most of the bats. There were many other locals that attempted to save the bats by picking them up and ended up getting bit. There were at least several thousand people that had to get some sort of a tetanus shot due to the bites from trying to save them. Many wonder if this is just signs of the times as millions upon millions of animals across the globe have died other than by no cause. Investigators indicated there were no other signs of the cause of death, neither ailments or diseases other than primarily traumatic head injuries to the Bats. Bizzare!

Christie Bridge Lane Scandal in a Jam at Fort Lee

Mesche Millier with Governor Chris Christie
and State Senator Bob Singer
during a Israel trade mission in 2012, Wikimedia
Fort Lee, NJ- During a news conference to Christie uses the confrontational method to deflect the Baroni traffic study scandal. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, claimed that he didn't know he was being lied to and that the traffic scandal on the George Washington Bridge was 'not that big a deal.' He repeatedly mentioned in his announcement that he was sorry for the discrepancy and that he already took measures to terminate two of his officials. Prior top officials of Port Authority David Wildstein, Bill Baroni were accused of being apart of the traffic gridlock starting from Fort Lee, NJ were there are three traffic lanes. Christie stated he was told it was a traffic study and Deputy Chief of Staff Bridgette Kelly lied to him. This morning he fired her as well as others involved in the sketchy occurance. At hearings, when asked to testify. After investigation scanned emails, evidence so far shows that the traffic block was definitely engineered by key administrators and the motive appeared to be political revenge. Wildstein exercised the amendment not to speak. Speculations rise as the Democratic party suggests Christie caused the traffic closures. Christie has denied claims that he has had a 'direct conversation' with anyone in his administration including Kelly, and others that may of been involved. Robert Durando testified, and said that "Baroni instructed me 'do not speak,' to anyone." Baroni is also the creator of PolitickerNJ. Shortly after, Bario announced resignation. Christie stated that this should have never happened ". . .under my watch." He emphasized he strongly portrayed a reputation of 'honesty' and that none of his allies should be marginalized by what Baroni has demonstrated. NY Governor Andrew Cuomo shared his comments on the traffic scandal. He hopes the matter is settled immediately. Christie has been up for a reelection bid for U.S. presidency. However, much of his tight knit administration will not endorse the bid for his reelection to national office, such as Mayor Mark Sokolich. Gov. Christie has been a potential presidential candidate for the Republican party. However, the recent traffic scheme has made many New York, tourists, commuters, and New Jersey residents furious. Christie's last thought was while reporters are chasing around about this policy, there are more important ones. According to the Huffington Post, he says he been compromising with the DREAM Act to lower unemployment for five and-a-half years. Christie concluded his speech with "There are more much important policies to the people of NJ than a group of cones and a group of lanes.

Read More:
"Log In - The New York Times." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.