
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

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Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

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God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Fake Interpreter at Mandelas Funeral

President Barrack Obama attends Nelson Mandelas
memorial service in South Africa.
Seen standing with Thamsanqa Jantijie, interpreter.
White House Photographer Pete Souza

South Africa - The world was shocked as they found that the sign lanuage interpreter for Nelson Mandelas funeral was translating pure "gibberish." Thamsanqa Jantjie, 34, claimed to have had a "schizophrenic" reaction. According to The Guardian, Jantjie stated he could not help his compulsive motions and didn't want to reveal what was really going on. As you know, there are multiple ways of translating communication, even sign-language by regions throughout the globe. A sign language expert examened the interpreter from the Mandela service and stated nothing was actually "sign-language." How can a man represent the deaf community and stand amongst global leaders, turning out to be fraud? How disappointing! A family member and others in the community told sources that Jantjie was shocked involved in a group about 10 years ago for murdering two men over a dispute of a television. Many agree Mandelas day is to be reveranced and not made as a joke. Judge officials decided to not continue with the conviction of Jantjie, because they believed he was not mentally fit during th time of the incident. He was also accused on several different counts in the 90's. Many question how would all of this go by security? He was actually approved as an Interpreter by the African National Congress, firm in South Africa. The other conspiracy many may think if not gibberish what were the signs intent if they had any meaning at all? Officials stated that a more vigorous background check should of been done prior to the nationally televised service. Thousands came to the service and millions throughout the world witness the comments of leaders who were inspired by a freedom fighter.

"President Obama Attends the Nelson Mandela Memorial Service." The White House. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

U.K. Warns Businesses of Israel Settlements

United Kingdom - The U.K. Government has issued a warning to all businesses and individuals that are deciding to do businesses with Israel. There are new settlements in the West Bank.  Government officials state it may be against International law, because the West Bank is an occupied territory.   The United States, United Kingdom, and France,  has joined in the agreement with Iran to forbid business with Israel in the new West Bank settlements.  Russia, China, and Germany, has already signed the agreement.  As you know, many suspect that the has been radical Islam that has been on the forefront of the U.K. is a factor.  If the 'peace agreement'continues, Israel may have to give up the Gaza strip and the West Bank, which will only add more fuel to fire the current conditions. More details ahead.