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Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

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God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fox Asks If 4 Blood Moons is An Apocalyptic Sign?

FOX- Fox asks"Are the 4 Blood Moons an Apocalyptic Sign?"  A Blood Moon is a full lunar eclipse. If the Moons appear 4 times in a row, it is called a Tetrad.  The prefix root Tetra comes from the Greek root word combination Tettaras. Pastor John Hagee was interviewed by Lauren Green, Chief Religion Correspondent of Fox News to discuss the 4 Blood Moons bizarre appearances and how it relates to the End Times for the following years from his new book called "Four Blood Moons."  NASA confirms the Blood Moon appearances. 

Scholars contemplate whether the historical events seem to happen and align with the Blood Moons such as "The 6 day war in 1967." During the Middle Ages in 1493, the Jews were expelled from the fall of Spain that preceded a war with the domination of the Arabs in Spain for almost 781 years.  The Muslim armies conquested the Iberian peninsula in 711 A.D.  After the "Reconquesta" or "New Christians" they lost Grenada the Mudejar Muslims and Shephardic Jews were forced to exile or forced to convert their beliefs under the Catholic church.  Most of the Jews during this time period migrated to the Netherlands and the Americas. During the same time, Christopher Columbus completes the discovery of The Americas or The New World. In 1949, Israel was declared Independent.

"Blood Moon," Source: Jewish Press, NASA discovery,Photo Credit:
Rikubetsu Astronomy and Terrestrial Science Museum
The question is may it be coincidental sign that the "Peace Agreement" is in session at the same time during the 1st Blood Moon?"  The next time it occurs is in the Spring during Passover April 14th, 2014.  The second will happen during the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2014. Following after the second Blood Moon, in 2015 it will reappear on Passover and the 4th on September 15th during the Feast of Tabernacles.  The appearance of the Blood Moons occurs every 500 years.  We are witnessing the appearance of the Blood Moons. An old script from Joel 2 states, "The day of the Lord will be when the sun refuses to shine." It also reappears in Acts 2, quoted by Luke in the 21st chapter "You will see the signs the sun, moon, and the stars, and will you see these signs, your redemption draweth nigh."  In Joel 3:3-4 says “And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.”

Ancient texts point to possible predictions, hypothesis of what the next historical event will be. Is the a Harbinger?

"NASA - Eclipses During 2013." NASA Eclipse Web Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

"The Jewish Press » » Messianic ‘Blood Moon’ Rising on Passover Seder Night." The Jewish Press. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

RFID Chip Implant System at Club in Holland

Amaal Graafsra, Washington business owner,
 is one of some candidates
 that implanted a chip in his left hand in 2005, Wikimedia
Could you imagine yourself being injected by a hypodermic needle by a latex gloved medical administrator only to realize a small device bear to the eye can have the most dramatic or catastrophic effects for life?  The technological revolution has begun.  A club owner in Holland has decided to allow a system to scan people through a microchip to easily make purchases and to be admitted into a club by scanning without paying with a plastic card or cash.  One of the club owner's guest accepted a chip to be implanted in his arm. Heard of the RFID chip? The Radio Frequency Identity Device (RFID) chip is a control storage identifying integrated circuit device used to include all information (financial, medical, and background). BBC Simon Morton went clubbing and while visiting the VIP Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain back in 2004 received an injection of a chip in his arm.   The chip is already been implanted in devices throughout the globe including clothing, electronics, and It can be The concern is how much invasion of privacy does the chip probe and what are ultimate effects when implanted in the human body.   The chip is as small as a grain of rice and measures around 1.3mm. An article published by Todd Lewan of the Associated Press (AP) "Microchips in Humans Spark Privacy Debate"reported that Sean Darks of the Cincinnati said he compared chips to "retina or fingerprint scanning." Many want to debate about technology progressing in the future especially in Information Systems.  VeriCorps, is the main creator of the chips and has been heavily promoted throughout the glove already distributing thousands.  If this is not disturbing enough, there was a family in Texas who decided to stand in the beliefs that School I.D.'s should not be chipped.  There was also an incident of school educators refusing to accept a chipped ID and were fired for rejecting the chip.  However, privacy advocate of Consumer Education and RFID technology Kathrine Albrecht stated that one day your employer may say "Take the chip, or starve." In real compassion, the change is considerably drastic from the cheerful customer service response "is there anything I can do for you today" to the droid computer buffed voice "Do you have your RFID chip?" In ancient texts, there are warnings about what wrath will come when accepting this chip in the right hand or forehead will manifest.  There is a sure certainty that many will not follow the way of the chip system for righteous sake.  Many speculate on the consequential effects on the chip.

"03-07-05_1923 | Photo Sharing!" Flickr. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.