
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Word of The Week

 The searching-out and thorough investigation of truth ought to be the primary study of man. –Cicero

Proverb of the Week

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; There is nothing new under the sun." - Ecclesiastes 1:9

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Sharing is Caring, and there are many ways to share your social media networks.  "Shareaholic" is a sharing network where it allows users to effortlessly add a sharing bar featuring multiple social media icon buttons or adding an extension to your browser. The first step to signing up is to put your site url and name in the Profile section.  Next, the site connects you to the "Publisher Tools" page where it allows users to customize the theme, layout, size, and headline such as "Sharing is Caring" to your social bar.  The site also includes an option to search for services to a vast amount of social networks that you can link to your share bar.  There is even a counter option available to keep track of the amount of your network to monitor site analytics.  I would recommend "Shareaholic" to anyone seeking a convenient way to invite site visitors into their social network.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Debunked Health Myths with Dr. B

In the Book "Tell Me The Truth Doctor," Dr. Besser, also known as Dr. B, debunks health misconception. all of the famous known health myths that has been in practice for years.  Most are afraid to ask their doctors questions, and their is so much information out there it becomes confusing.  The The book is published by Hyperion, ABC's parent company, Disney.  Reading this book may save you time, and money.
  • Rinsing Chicken with Cold Water:  No.  Many believe in the tradition of washing off your chicken to wash the film off the grocery stores.  However, the Dr. says that cooking your chicken on at least 165˚degrees will actually kill the germs.
  • Should you wash prewashed Lettuce? No.  The lettuce is washed already several times by the company before manufactured.  So washing your lettuce in the sink actually exposes  your salad.
  • Can magnetic Jewelry improve your Sports performance? No. It is mental and magnetic Jewelry does not improve Sports performance rather it is a mental state.
  • Vitamins gives you more Nutrients: Save the money on vitamins and buy more fruit.  You get the genuine nutrients and antioxidants you need for your health.
  • Does Eggs cause high cholesterol?  Eggs do not give you high cholesterol.  Eggs is a good food source. One egg a day is great for your diet.
  • Is Washing Hands with Antibacterial Soap Better Than Regular Soap: No.  The myth is that washing your hands with antibacterial soap will make your hands cleaner.  Dr. states that washing your hands vigorously for 20 seconds will actually wash the germs off more effectively.  Washing your hands with antibacterial soap will actually expose you to chemicals that you don't need.
  • Cellphones can cause Cancer: Studies have shown that a cellphone can cause cancer.  However, using the phone on speaker or texting, even your pc as an alternative is safer.
  • Is there a difference between Tap and Bottled Water: is regulated the same as tap water.  There is more regulation with tap water than bottled water.  Even both go through a cleansing process.  Still most prefer bottled water, as in some areas the Water Filtration System may not be effective enough, hence D.C.?
There you have it.  For more Debunked myths read "Tell Me The Truth, Doctor" by Dr. B.

Dunkin Donut Concoction?

Philadelphia, PA - There was announced a choice bacon / sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich on a "donut" bun.  Is this Fattening Genius or  a pure Food Concoction?  

Lines were extremely long outside the Dunkin Donut franchise all throughout the country for the new breakfast breakthrough.  Sure the calories are astronomical, however, indulging in this once in a while with exercise will balance the heavy load.   Either way people thought the idea was great. It all depends on how you see the breakfast sandwich.  Yum or Yuck! You decide.

Health Alert: Hepatitis A Found in Costco

OREGON - Outbreak of Hepatitis A is linked to a frozen organic berry mixed found in Costco department stores.  One shopper stated "I used the berries for my breakfast." The virus has effected 30 people in five states.  Dr. Richard Besser, Chief Health and Medical Editor.   Hepatitis A is a liver infection and is normally picked up from poor sanitation such as someone not washing their hands in a restaurant. It can be 2 weeks to 2 months before signs even surface, including, fatigue, belly pain, yellowing of eyes, and skin.  The body normally flushes it out.  There is not much treatment for this exposure besides a vaccine.  Officials did not order a recall.  Costco pulled its berries off of the shelf after the announcement. Officials stated anyone that has been exposed has to be vaccinated immediately. The virus came from a pomegranate berry seeds mix imported from Turkey.

Coffee: Startling Mental Effects?

Scientist are looking into the feeling you get when the coffee wears off.  In some cases, the crash that you get When you miss your coffee in the morning, side effects include getting a headache. In the American Psychiatric Association manual of Mental Disorders describes Caffine Withdrawl as a disorder?  In the  Caffine Withdrawl, is a condition where you can get fatigue, headaches.  So, how much is too much caffine?    The safe standard to consume coffee for adults is 400mg a day is about 4 cups of coffee.  The government is concerned with the caffine products in stores.

ABC's Lisa Stark participated in the study and took an MRI afterwards to show the results of her brain.  Her blood flow was down 40% and her blood pressure shot up.  The FDA are considering a crack down on caffine products and its effects on children. Caffine is a substance that is used in most products we consume such as popcorn, hotsauce, gummie bears, sodas. Many are glad that scientist are finally looking into Caffine Withdrawl as a condition. However, others are worried about being labeled as a mental disorder.  

To view more  information about Caffine Withdrawl:

This is Your Brain on Caffeine: Images Reveal Startling Mental Effects

Word of the Week

"The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of asolid and honorable success." –HamiltonWright Mabie

Opinion: On A Rant- How Chemical Plant is a Reminder of "Dr. Seuss: The Lorax"

The movie "Dr. Seuss: The Lorax" reminded me of the damage that is done to not exclusively to the trees, but the earth.  It reminded me how valuable and priceless natural resources are such as trees that produce oxygen, and and how we might even soon pay to 'breathe air' if that is even conceivable.  It gives me great awareness to the 'save the earth' green activists that tie themselves on a tree as a radical sacrifice to save this green planet.  We know that global warming is caused by dangerous emission gases in our atmosphere and has been slowly detrimental to our health and well being.  We know that the petroleum plants has caused contaminated air, with no true ventilation but to stay indoors, causing medical issues  such as Pneumonia, Occupational Asthma, and including hardly treatable conditions like cancer, pulmonary oedema lung damage, and phytophotodermatitis skin exposure to UV lights, and other respiratory diseases and skin damage issues that is costing more medical debt. 

Any worker of the petrochemical industry is positioning themselves at high risks. We know we need oil, bottle, However, are their less wasteful and more resourceful ways to prevent further pollution or parallel accidents on our planet without causing so much destruction besides exluding all possible answers except an NWO solution?

Even though their has been small accidents in the plants, most incidents has produced small injuries and damages.  The chain of events has made me reluctant to think that these plants are merely a coincidence.  From the BP oil spill back in 2010 on the Gulf of Mexico that plummeted to almost $60 billion dollars in debt recent chemical plant explosion near Louisiana accidents definitely paving an intentional fast path to the underworld as they falsely perceive to be great, for those who are responsible and more interested in the high profits from foreign oil stakes rather than the condition of people, which is what this earth is all about. Just saying.

Word of The Week

 Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. –Samuel Johnson

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Paris Jackson Rushed to Hospital in Attemps to Commit Suicide

CALABASAS, CA- Paris Jackson, 15, is rushed to hospital after attempt to commit suicide and swallowing 20 Motrin Painkillers.  The King of Pop stars daughter did a video where she was putting on her makeup and then suddenly made a message that she thought would be her last.  She made a statement that she appreciated all of her fans "waisting your time to watch me."  After careful investigation, much of Paris' stresses may be related to her scheduled appearance in the suit rivalry on Jacksons royalties, grief of her father, being in the shaky stages of an adolescent, and the magnitude of attention that she has been getting from the world.  The Jackson family is also suing AEG Live, a concert promotion company, accusing that AEG mand an error in hiring and management of Dr. Conrad Murray, who treated Michael Jackson.  The suite is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Paris was eventually released from the hospital and her family reported that she is fine and recovering.  Paris was even interviewed by Oprah Winfrey and discussed Cyber Bullying, which is a serious topic that needs to be discussed nationwide.  Mark Geregos is Michael Jacksons former defense attorney.  He wished Paris the best during her recovery and spoke about the current events that are taking place with the Jacksons.
Paris has been transferred to UCLA hospital, reported by TMZ, the same hospital where Michael Jackson was taken after his death in 2009.  Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff summoned the investigator to prepare a report on recommendations for Paris' future. Katherine Jackson, 83, the mother of Michael Jackson, is the matriarch of the Jackson family and of the three children Prince, Paris, and Blanket.  A staggering amount of 3.125 teens alone in California were hospitalized for self-inflicted injury, with the surpassing amount nation wide estimate of 713,000. If you know anyone who may be showing signs of self-inflicted injury, please report.  Dr. Carol Bernstein, Associated Professor of NYU, Department of Psychiatry stated that teachers, professors, parents, and leaders need to observe the signs of self-infliction "seek to get the kind of help that these kids really need." Opening up about this topic could save a life!  Being an adolescent is hard enough, dealing with school, and resolving family tides.

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Cheerleader Accused of Sex Trafficking a Member of Squad

Minnesota cheerleader was accused for sex trafficking charges for pimping out and prostituting a younger member of the squad according to ABC Network. Hopkins Parker Senior, 18 yrs, was arrested for promoting prostitution on an online ad showed the victims picture with Parkers phone number on Backpage.com.  She used the girl for money and pocketed $60 on one occasion.  The Ad showed the girl that Parker led astray inappropriately selling services to predators.  She pretended to be the girls mother and drive her to different locations to perform oral sex.  Parker is free on a 50 Officials say this is the first time they have seen a teen prostituting a teen.  In order to not commence another argument of endless corruption of schools, nothing is 'new' under the sun and is disgusting.

Texas Teenager Sues Parents for Pregnancy

A family fued breaks out as two teens are in love. Teenage 16 year old Regan Burnside decides to sue parents for harassing her to have an abortion.  Jeff and Denise Coin separated creating a hardship on Regan.  During this hardship, Regan started dating.  She said she was on birth control, but as soon as she stopped taking it she was pregnant.  As said before, the best prevention during teenage years which is a challenge is not to have an intimate relationship at all.  They confessed the news to Evans mom and dad, Jamie and Joey.  Evans parents supported whatever decision the young couple wanted to make.  Regans mom wanted her to "take care of business."   It requires alot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, but it can be done.  Denise's mom admitted had an abortion and that's why she wanted Regan to have one.   Both families are on different sides of the spectrum when it comes to choice and a baby.  Regan's Dad made it clear that he did not respect her decision. The conversations were of course heated about the topic.  Regan commenced a suit that was in nationwide news and arranged a lawyer from the Texas Center for Life.  The courts call the temporary restraining order "emancipation," to free herself as an independent.  She Regan claims that her parents were forcing her to have an abortion, giving her restrictions, taking her cell phone, taking her car, removing her from school, all because she didn't comply to her parents in having an abortion.  Regans parents denied that they forced her to do anything, and stated that she was manipulated by media monguls. The teenagers tied the knot later on, but Regan's parents were not invited to the wedding.  When asked how Regan and Evan were going to support the baby?  There answer was a few hundred in savings, but still Later Regan and Evan had a disagreement with Evans parents.  Now Regan and Evan are living with Regans mom. The baby is due in September.

Kanye and Kim Kardashian have Kimye on Father's Day!

As this weekend was the focus of a special day, "Father's Day."  Source Entertrainment Weekly "Pop Watch" reported Kim Kardashian gave birth to a little girl at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center.  The Kardashian family has been under the scope of the media for years.  The irony was that it was "Father's Day" June 17th, 2013 when baby Kimye arrived to say "I'm here."  He had plenty of tweets to choose from as "Father's Day" was around the celebration of Kimye. Jimmy Fallon got the tweets started with:
Happy Father’s Day to my dad and also to my biological father @kanyewest.#HappyFathersDay.
jimmy fallon (@jimmy fallon) June 17th, 2013
While a spectator alternately writes:
Figures Kanye West's newborn child interrupts Father's Day.—
Laura Jordan (@LJBrainGarbage) June 16th, 2013
Classic.  As may were celebrating the rock and head of their families on "Father's Day," many are saying welcome to the club.  Many have their critics about The Kardashians family's growing pains, and Kanye's and Kims relationship.  Kanye and Kim, we wish you the best of luck.  Baby Kimye is just getting started.

Mother Poses as 11 year old Daughter to Catch Stalker

A mother posed as her 11 yr old daughter in order to catch her Stalker.  She accepted a friend request and shared her phone number.  The mother quickly learned that it was a man named Michael Bradley was trying to entice her child.  Thats when she first went to  police.  She described the graphic text, such as questions like if she was still a virgin.  With the mother's attempt to open communication with him to probe answers, he sent a graphic text to her of his body nude.  They also needed a picture of his face.  If she wanted birthday sex, etc.  She pretended to be her daughter and pretended to want to be with him.  In her third attempt to catch him, police had arrested him.  It was his 15 year old brother, communicating with his daughter.  Since they had open communication, police were able to catch him.  She believed that the police needed to act on it more quickly.  The mom says that the laws need to be more restrictive of I know that prospective college students want to connect to alumni.

China's President's Wife Stands Out As Fashionista

CHINA - President of China Xi Jinping holds an umbrella above Peng Liyuan as they arrive at Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Telegraph reported Peng Liyuan to the likings of fashionista figures like first lady Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, and even Beyonce.  Last friday, the world was noticing her fashionista being the right hand lady of Time named her one of the world's most influential people.  Peng Liyuan is also a U.N. Health Ambassador and may soon travel to South Africa to endorse AIDS prevention.  This may be a new brink for China giving the leverage sought. We only hope Peng Liyuan continues to give a fresh dose of fashion that gives a break from the traditional projection of China’s firm regime.

Read more:
China's First Lady Sparks Fashion Frenzy, by Sorcha Pollak, March 26th, 2013

Jailed Michael Jackson Doctor Sends Paris Bizarre Voicemail

Los Angeles, CA- The doctor in jail reached out to Paris in a bizarre voicemail.  Dr. Conrad Murray.  Paris Jackson was recovering from a Los Angeles Hospital.  A lawyer from Murray confirmed the message.  He quotes " I wanted you to know I am here for you."  He was convicted of administering the dose of "Purple Fall," a substance that is suppose to be administered in very small doses to treat serious cases of insomnia.  Why Paris tried to take her life is a mystery.  All the Jacksons want is privacy.  Biological Debbie Rowe visited Paris. "I'll be praying for you.  your father in Christ, I love you."  He was gravely affected by her current crisis, and wanted to let her know that he was thinking about her. Many think it is awkward enough to even think of speaking with the murderer of her father.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Orphan Pony given Teddy Bear

England, U.K. - Orphan Pony was brought to sanctuary shortly after birth.  The Pony's condition was not doing well due to lack of breast milk from separating from his mother.  However, he was given a teddy bear for comfort and the teddy bear is nicknamed "Buttons."

Michael Douglas tells Throat Cancer is from STD

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones at the
Vanity Fair party in 2012
 Michael Douglas told "The Guardian"  that he didn't get cancer from smoking, but rather from a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Human PapavHPV virus, which can be picked up by oral sex.  Dr. Besser clarified the risks of HPV on ABC.  There are more than 100 types of HPV.  It causes everything from genital to finger warts. It is the leading cause of cervical cancer, and is treatable.  Girls were vaccinated first before vaccines were released to boys.  Some are uncomfortable with the vaccine.  However, the vaccines are administered before teenagers become sexually active.  As stated before during your adolescents, the best protection is don't do it at all.  STD risks have intensified and the public need to be more cautious of these effects.  It can even cause "throat cancer."

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pamela Anderson Racy Ad Banned from Britain

U.K. - The 45 year old former BayWatch Babe Pamela Anderson ad is banned for being degrading and sexist to women. Ads for Webhosting service CrazyDomains features Anderson playing company boss.  The commercial with a female assistant with a full room of men, while one of the men fantasizes about Anderson and the assistance in gold bikinis splashing around in cream.  The man wakes up about where where it cuts to a dream sequence when he goggles the female assistance "cleavage" while she pours him coffee.  The U.K. British Authorities banned it.  There are usually more liberal with advertising.  However, the outbursts over the sex appeal ad has caused the ad to be taken down.

Human Like 'Barbie' Enlarges Breast Implants?

Lacey Wilds 17 year old daughter Tory is embarrassed to walk down the street with mom as Ms. Wilds wants to double the size of her breats from a triple L to a triple Q.  Her children were interviewed by ABC's.  They spoke of there distaste to the decision that she has made also in concerns that the surgery to enlarge her size is not safe and it risks her life.  Wilds reason of enlarging the implants says she needs the money.  Is this the only option to eccentuate your body to get extra attention?  Her intentions may of been in concern for the kids however many that know about health and the effects of implants know it may do more harm then good at this point.

Youtube.com/PetSami Goes Viral

In all of the dogs heard, there has never been a dog met to the average person that sounds like a man.  Pet Sami is not your ordinary dog.  He is a dog that has been featured on Youtube.  Sami steals the show with a loud bark that sound like a cranky loud man making a call out.  You can checkout more of PetSami at Youtube.com/PetSami.

102 yr Old Dorothy Custer takes a Sky Dive

TwinFalls, IDAHO- Dorothy Custer is celebrating her birthday, 102 yr birthday.  The first thought in mind for a birthday gift would be a surprise birthday party, a nice dinner reservation, or even a nice game of BINGO.  No. She even made an interview on the late night Jay Leno talk show.  She was asked of her expertise of being here for a century of what she thought was the worst invention this century.  She responded, "The worst invention was the credit card."  She couldn't of have been more on the money.  She played the harmonica, and sang to Jay Leno.  Now she has taken an adventure by taking a leap.  Not a leap accross a dance floor.  In Twin Falls, Idaho, she took a sky leap with a sky diver off a bridge, attached professional with an outfit on called Tantum base.  She was given the gift to take a journey on a parachute by her family as I'm sure was apart of her checklist of things to do.   Dorothy is a perfect example of "live your life to the fullest."

To view more about this report watch:
"102-yr Old Women Goes Airborne," The Wacky World of Jeanne Moos, CNN NewYork

javascript:void(0);Teen Hitches Ride on 30ft Killer Whale?

Fort Myers, FL - Chris Kreis of Fort Myers, Florida, appropriately named, takes risks and hitches a ride on a 30ft whale.  Mush of the public were taken aback when they found out that it wasn't a dolphin.  He said he had the rush when he saw the rare sea creature by the shore, jumped in the water, and swam towards the mammal and hitched a ride on him.  He says "It was a once in a life time opportunity."  Now it is plastered all throughout the news.  We hope Kreis safety next time treading waters.

Chemical Plant Explosion in Louisiana Injures 77 People

Geismar, Louisiana (Reuters) - The Louisiana Plant ignites on fire, has killed one person and injuring 77 people.  The one person that was found was 29 year old Zachary C. Green from Hammond and further details were undisclosed.  The plant located in Geismar exploded around 8:30 in the morning.  

About 300 employees were evacuated from the scene.  A few incubated themselves in a bombshell like saferoom.  Residents were advised by Authorities and open announcement by Governor Bobby Jindal within a two-mile radius to stay indoors to avoid breathing the smoke fumes and gas emissions.The plant is close proximity to the well known city of New Orleans by the Mississippi River.  

Petrochemical Propylene was the cause of the explosion, Officials reported. Williams Cos, 83% key stake holder of  responded to the scene, transporting 73 individuals to the hospital.  The parent company shares also fell by 1%, Physician Dr. Floyd Roberts reported others received treatment at the Baton Rouge General Hospital burn center.
The fire ceased 3 hours later and the plant operations were shut down.
A very similar incident happened at a Texas fertilizer plant that killed 14 people.
Sheriff Jeffrey Wiley of Ascension Parish remarked "It's a sad day in Geismar, and particularly for the Williams Olefins work family. "It's an industry that practices safety every second of every day, but regrettably, things do happen."

The Petrochemical annually produces over 1 billion pounds of ethylene and approximately 100 million pounds of polymer grade propylene, data compiled by Williams Cos.  Ethylene and Proylene are chemical material made to create plastics.

The petrochemical industry safety procedures has been under investigation, especially since the 200 million gallons of oil gas spilled in the Gulf of Mexico on July 2010.  To recall, the BP disaster ignited an explosion that killed 17 people, killed wildlife, including fish, birds, and other mammals, created unemployment of BP employees, fishermen, and local residents that reside on the !6,000 mile coast line. The incident has cost an astronomical amount of $40 billion dollars in fines and $16 billion in regards to Clean Water Act. Gulf as we know it is still contaminated with the oil spilled that affected parts of New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida.  Long-term damages including property and health-risks abide on the Gulf Coast of Mexico.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Teenage Boys Pregnant Images in Chicago Ad Launch

Chicago, Illinois - Racy Shock Ads where posted in a campaign for teen pregnancy prevention all over Chicago.  This time, the ad features teenage boys, pregnant.  The pregnancies were down 33% but still 1.5 times higher than the national average.  One of the campaign tag lines is "Unexpected Most Teenage Pregnancies Are."  Dr. Bechara Choucair, Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health stated "Provacative....we wanted those campaigns to spark conversations, and thats exactly what we're getting." Parenting Expert, Dr. Karen Gordon supports the Pregnancy Prevention campaign. So, the ad company created a campaign where .  The Ads probe the youth especially the youth to think it also effects the young father as well.  Similar ads ran in Milwakee 10% and New york declined 27%.  The ladies of the View commented on the campaign.  said just because your not carrying the baby for 9 months. Sex education are distributed.  Being a young father is just as much as a shock, but the effects doesn't resinate until after the Others say that there still needs to be much more.

Word of the Week

 "The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.–Robert Cushing

Insist on yourself. Never imitate. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Benjamin NethanYahu Allows Russian Troops Settle in "Golan" Heights?

Benjamin Netanyahu is considering to invite Russia install troops in the border of Israel. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria may commence a fight with Israel. The checkpoint of Israel has already been attacked with missiles. Austria peace keepers of '911' U.N. troops have made a settlement in the buffer zone to operate a cease-fire peace agreement between Israel and Syria. The agreement was allowing Russia to join U.N. peace forces. In return, Moscow could halt the transportation of the the advance anti-aircraft missiles to Syria.

 Justice Minister Tzipi Livni met with Prime Minister Sergei Lavrov discussed weapon alternatives to provide Assyrian President Bashar al-Assad S300 missiles within weeks. British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant stated the possibility of changing the force's mandate "strengthen its abilities to function under the current regional climate." Vladimir Putin offered to send 380 Russian Soldiers to replace Austrian forces who withdrew from Golan buffer zone following fighting in the area between the Syrian regime and the rebel forces seeking to oust Assad of Assyria. The U.N. has rejected Putin offers disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria following the 1973 Yom Kippur War bars troops from the U.N. security councils permanent members from joining any forces. 

On May 31,1974The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force was established by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 350.  UNDOFThe Israel-Syrian border is a stretch of land that runs a length 72 kiliometer from Mount Hermon on the border of Lebanon to the Jordan Yarmouk River. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Word of the Week

If you have an hour, will you not improve that hour, instead of idling it away? –Lord Chesterfield

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Suzy Menkes Auction 80 Lots of Clothes

LONDON (Reuters) - Suzy Menkes, Fashion Editor of the International Herald Tribune,  made announcement for an online two week auction for her label wardrobe. Menkes want buyers to enjoy the auction, as bids will be open for 80 lots of clothes, including jackets, skirts, dresses, and  many accessories in trunks from one of many designers from YvesSaint Laurent to Christian Lacroix.  The top lot is up to 2,000 pounds, the 1980's Yves Saint Laurent cocktail jacket of the "le soleil" collection.  Items will auction for individual lots start at 200 pounds ($300) and up.  

Menkes confessed she has not "thrown anything out of my wardrobe since 1964."

Menkes is inspired by designers Britain's Vivienne Westwood, Daphne Guinness, Italian fashion writer Anna Piaggi, English model Erin O'Connor.

"They need to live again and this auction provides the opportunity for them to walk out in the sunshine, to dance the night away and to give someone else the joy that they gave to me," she said.

Estimates for individual lots start at 200 pounds ($300), with the majority on offer for under 1,000 pounds. The star lot of the sale is an Yves Saint Laurent cocktail jacket from his 1980 collection 'le soleil' estimated at up to 2,000 pounds.

Menkes follows in the footsteps of British designer Vivienne Westwood, fashion trendsetter Daphne Guinness, English model Erin O'Connor and Italian fashion writer Anna Piaggi by selling much of her collection via a single-owner auction at Christie's.

Meet Susie Bubble Fashionista Blogger

Photo: Steve Salter, ELLE Magazine
"Ten Questions: Susie Bubble"
London (ELLE)- Well known in the fashion world, British blogger Susie Bubble, also known as Susana "Susie" Lau, has been known to give rising designers a new edge and critiques modern fashion.  Bubble rose when the trending fashionista's critiques on fashion budded in popularity. She  has a modest disposition that is no justice for her bold sense of style.  

She disclosed to Elle magazine "Ten Questions" in a recent interview about She defines luxury as a precious or high quality material regardless of labels.  She expresses her style with bold prints, bright colors, and fashions labels such as Louis Vuitton in hot spots of London.  To read more about Bubble's exclusive interview, visit Elle.com "Ten Questions: Susie Bubble."

Fashion Editorials To Read: