
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Earn up to 100%Commission via PaySpree

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Writers Strike on E! FASHION POLICE

David Shankbone CC Contribution Micahel Musto 25th
Village Voice Anniversary Party Post
LOS ANGELES- Nine writers on E! Entertainment's "Fashion Police" have been on strike.  The writers demanded the network to acknowledge the Writers Guild of America West (WGA)  as a bargaining representative.  The network declared that the National Labor Relations (NLRB) Board election must initially be held. 

Writers have commenced the strike starting a picket rally in front of E! Headquarters since April 17th.   The network stated that an "NLRB administered election is a fair and important part of the process."  E! has also taken initiative for the writers behalf in filing a petition with NLRB to expedite the process.
E! released statements that they are not "anti-WGA"  and noted that other productions, "The Soup" and Chelsea Lately" also employ WGA workers that were participating in the NLRB elections.
Writers filed a $1.5 million suit with the California Division of Labor Standard Enforcement for wage and hour claims, to seek payments for overtime and underpaid hours against E! and "Fashion Police" host Joan Rivers' production Rugby Productions.  As the strike continues, WGA has emergency loans for members that are on strike and financing legal aid.
As the meeting for the claims were cancelled due to a break the impasse decision, hearings will proceed for the writers settlement.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Can Social Media Improves Political Campaigns?

According to a national phone survey by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.  Stats show that About a quarter of social networking site (SNS) users say the sites are “very important” or “somewhat important” to them for debating or discussing political issues with others, keeping up with political news, getting involved in political issues, finding commonality in political beliefs.  Social Media Networking for the Political arena allows engagement in political campaigns and issues.  However, the majority still state that most users of the site state they use SNS issues other than politics and for informal purposes.  According to Darrell West, Vice President and Director of Governance Studies at The Brookings Institution, his studies found that despite encouraging activism in campaigns  
Articles to Read:

Monday, May 27, 2013

Word of The Week

The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. –Socrates

Monday, May 20, 2013

Word of The Week

 "Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still." –Chinese Proverb

Friday, May 17, 2013

15yr Old Bids $15 million for Coca-Cola Recipe on Ebay

Recently after the recipe was posted online by Kliff Kluge, it was reported that a 15 year old bid 15 million dollars on the Coke recipe on Ebay he 15 million dollar. However, after discovering that he was a 15 year old and didn’t have the capital to purchase the secret recipe.  Kluge took the recipe off line abiding to the Ebay 3 day rules and regulations.  Kluge decided in the future, he will auction the Coke recipe once again, and that he just wanted attention for the auction.  There are officially two executives in the world that know the exact recipe of Coca-Cola according to our knowledge.

Kidnapped Teens Found a Decade Later

CLEVELAND (CNN) - Ariel Castrol abducted three women Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight.  Gina DeJesus was abducted because she was good friends with Castro’s daughter Arlene.  They have a two-story house on Seymour Ave.  

He was even reported to beat his wife Grimilda Figueroa after her having brain surgery.  Ariel Castrol was a driver and a musician.  The women reported to be chained in the basement of the home and then later moved upstairs of the house for nearly a decade.  

The mother Louwana Miller open the case up of a missing juvenile.  She even inquired Sylvia Brown, a renounced psychic from “The Montel Williams” show and reported, said that she would never find her daughter, only not knowing that she would her later on alive.  The mother later passed as people may of believed it was from a broken heart because of the report that she thought she would not find her daughters again.  Castrol is being held in prison in lieu of $8 million dollars.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Guantanamo Bay Detainee’s throw Urine

GUANTANAMO BAY (CNN) - According to CNN, reported by Chris Lawrence.  The detainees yelled out names to the Army Guards stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.  They threw everything from urine to feces.  A guard reported to be splashed by urine several times.  They tried to give the detained nutritional liquids during there time.  However, according to doctors your body can only survive off of liquid supplements but for so long.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tank Full of Sharks greets Veteran Mom and Son

 ATLANTA (CNN) - Army Veteran Julie Erwin and her son Shawn spend the day together in a shark tank at Georgia’s renouned aquarium.  In January of 2012, Erwin was stationed in Afghanistan for two concisions to the head and a lesion on the frontal right lobe Wounded Warriors Transition Battalion.  Her recovery was made at Fort Brad.  She was unable to be physically active and had Erwin reported As they emerge in water full of sharks and aquarium beasts, manterays, lakes, exotic fish. It’s not your typical mother and son outing, however.  She tried to figure a way to spend quality time with her son as much as possible.  The program helps wounded veterans to gain aquatic exercise and therapeutic.  Erwin said that she wanted a good way to make adventurous memory and something for her teenage son to remember 30 to 40 years from now. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Coca-Cola Secret Recipe Found at Antique Store

RINGGOLD, GA - (CNN) Kliff Kluge and his wife Arlene found a paper from a States Auction.  One of the papers was a Coca-Cola recipe from 1943.  The recipe has been kept a secret since the the beverage company was based out of Atlanta in the 19th century.  

Kluge believes to have found the original formula based on the reference found in the recipe for Coca-Cola.  Many has tried to recreate the formula but has not been able to reproduce the original beverage.  He has posted it for sale on Ebay for 5 million dollars.  Kluge was hoping a buyer to take the recipe for 15 million. NPR claimed to have found the original recipe for Coke.  The website crashed because of overflow of traffic.

Word of The Week

"I can't teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." - Socrates

Monday, May 6, 2013

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.- Robert Louis Stevenson