In this video, Commissioner Charles Ramsey explains why
out of 1,000 issued M16 rifles one is missing?
PHILADELPHIA- Appointed Police Commissioner, Chief Charles H. Ramsey commenced office by Mayor Michael Nutter on Janurary 7th, 2008. He discusses what Philadelphia law enforcement is planning to execute with 1,356 M16 Rifles. Out of the rifles that were issued to the PPD, an annoucement was made that one was unaccounted for. The rifles rarely been used in warfare are originally from the Vietnam-era. The investigation was ordered for Gibson to take the lead, who is apart of the Narcotics Unit. Philadelphia Police will also be utilizing social media as a crime fighting tool to investigate.
The Police also announces that the lack of funding is preventing the department from recording the interrogations. Since the 8 million dollar budget cut implemented by Governor Corbett, funding for city departments including education, and law enforcement has been a down trend ever since.
Video Clip of Dr. Kermit Gosnell and the now closed Abortion
Clinic based in West Philadelphia, PA.
Source: Associated Press, by Marie Clair Dale
PHILADEPHIA (AP)- The abortion clinic concluded a murder trial that charged Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, of murdering 7 babies allegedly born alive. According to Authorities, Gosnell's 30 year practice has been called a "pill mill" by day, "abortion mill" by night that has made millions. Kareema Cross, 28, is the former abortion clinic staff member of the Philadelphia abortion clinic Women's Medical Society of West Philadelphia.
After the medical procedure of the babies necks snipped to "ensure fetal demise," she also notice that the surgical equipment appeared to be unsanitary and filthy. She claimed she at least 14 babies alive and 10 babies breathe, with there chests moving, and one that actually gave a "soft whine." After her observation to the scene she would say to the doctor "I thought they were breathing," when in response Dr. Kermit Gosnell would state "there're not really breathing." Cross acutally witness one baby boy after one procedure draw its arms and legs and curl up in a fetal position
The witness was so disgusted by the procedures that they took photos and called authorities immediately. One of the photos revealed feet of aborted fetuses that were kept in a jar for DNA experimental purposes.
In front of the jury, Cross recalled the moment when Gosnell stated of the largest baby in the jar that "it look like it could walk to the store, to the bus."
Cross will be under interrogation by defense attorney Jack MacMahon as the judge may dismiss charges for lack of evidence. She has plead guilty for the distribution of drugs and hopes for probation since she has been in cooperation with authorities. Some of the co-workers have already been convicted of third degree murder for assisting with the abortion procedures.
However, the case still stands where a 41-year old refugee, Karnamaya Mongar, died during a procedure, as the defense reasoning to the incident was "preexisting medical conditions." An FBI raid in 2010 also lead to the closure of the clinic due to a distribution of OxyContin and more painkillers. It is still unclear whether Cross's testimony lead to the spark of this investigation.
BOSTON (CNN)- There was a serious explosion at the annual Boston Marathon around 2:50 p.m. Shortly after the top racers reached the finish line the blasts begin. Two duffle bags were found shortly after the blast. Original reports revealed from the New York Post reported following the breaking news that 12 were dead and 50 total were injured.
Following after flooding reports, according to CNN, there were reports at the event that there were a total of 3 dead and 149 severe injuries. Among the victims identified included an 8-year old boy named Martin Richard.
The area was highly secured during the event, as police, the fire unit, and the National Guard rushed to the aid of injured runners, especially one that collapsed immediately after the first blast. Suddenly, the second bomb went off in a span of 15 to 20 seconds shortly after the first one. Authorities report that there are no arrest and investigation is The Boston Marathon is a huge annual event celebrated nationwide and recognized globally.
Former Commissioner of Boston, Bill Bratton, commented on the even from the NBC London Bureau.The location where the bombing occurred happened about 20 to 50 yards from the finish line, shortly after the top racers reached the line.
In previous years, a white supremacist left a duffle bag at the scene of a Martin Luther King event in Portland, Oregon. They found a duffle bag and kept the explosive device from detonating.
As investigations proceeds, forensic analyst suspect the Boston Marathon Explosion a possible intention of a terrorist attack. Many suspect it was not coincidental that there were two duffle bags found close to the finish line. There was a third incident, were another bomb was found at the John F. Kennedy Library but did not commence, shortly after the first series of explosions. It is reported to be fire related not connected to the speculations of the prior explosions. Boston Commissioner Ed Davis advised everyone and to keep away from the parameter area and stay inside there homes.
Telephone companies were commanded within the area to shut down. The authorities were being cautious of the cell phones possibly detonating bombs in the area. Homeland Security is currently involved. The President address will be at 6:10 this evening in reference to the nation about what occurred in Boston, Massachusetts today.
Condolences and hope to the families. If there are any concerns related to the incident and if you have any serious tips of suspects in relevance to the event, please dial the following tip lines at 617-635-4500 or 1800-494-TIPS.
On April 15th, 2013, Barack Obama delivers Speech at the White Houseon the Boston Marathon Explosion Attack in Boston, Massachusetts
WASHINGTON (CNN) - On Capitol Hill, April 15th, 2013 6:10p.m. (ET), Obama delivered a message to the nations in regards to the tragedy of Boston Marathon Explosion. The President described the act as a "heinous and cowardly act!" Homeland Security briefed Obama along with authorities to discover if the deadly explosions were a probable international connection of foreign or home-grown terrorism. Though the term 'terrorist' was rarely used in the President's speech, he declared that those responsible for the act "will feel the full weight of justice."
President Obama was contacted minutes after the explosions by Boston Governor Deval Patrick and Mayor Tom Menino. As the briefing proceeded, top aides followed with more information as the plan to the investigation, including Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary Janet Napolitano, and President of the FBI Robert Muller that concluded they "whoever is responsible for this will do whatever is necessary."
The Secret Service expanded the security perimeter of the White House, and blocked permissible entrance to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Democratic of the House of Intelligence Committee, C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger stated that most urban areas in the country would be under high alert. He mentioned the aides to the investigation want to be certain that it is not a pattern and that greater security is needed in public areas.
“If you want to know who we are, what America is, how we respond to evil, that’s it: selflessly, compassionately, unafraid,” Obama said.
More light on the event will be shed as the investigation proceeds.
Kevin Curtis speaks to inside edition on how he was falsely accused of sending Ricin Letters to President Barrack Obama. The Elvis Impersonator said he couldn't of possibly sent the Ricin Letters to the White House and he may of been blackmailed by a person already knows him. Who could of sent the letters?
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Paul Kevin Curtis, 45, recently interviewed with INSIDE EDITION on the false accusation of Ricin Letters sent to President Obama. The Elvis Impersonator of Mississippi was possibly blackmailed by someone who already knows him or has seen one of his Impersonations. Curtis's comments were "someone who knows me must really not like me to do this." The case against Curtis was dismissed after no evidence was found. The suspected individual that knows Curtis, whom also competed in Elvis Impersonator competitions says he has nothing to do with the incident and says everyone that knows him family, friends, and his neighbors think this is just "Crazy."
Ricin is a highly toxic natrual protein from the castor oil plant Ricinus communis. Just a few grains of salt is deadly to a human. Ricin is less toxic as an oral exposure from 20-30 miligrams per kilograms, where an injection or inhalation median lethal dose is about 22 kilograms.
Ricin is a natrually toxic protein found in the plant Ricinus Communis.
Hubble Space capture of C/2012 S1 ISON on April 10th, 2013 Credit: NASA, ESA, J-Y, LI (Planetary Science Institute) , and dthe Hubble Comet ISON Imaging Science Team
NASA releases a Hubble Space Telescope captured image of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON that was taken on April 10th, 2013. The comet is closely parallel to Jupiter's orbit at a distance of 394 million miles from Earth. The closer the comet reaches Earth's orbit causes the frozen volatiles to sublimate. Astronomers measurements of the comet are relative to the width of Australia at a distance of around 3100 miles. The nucleus of ISON is radius of the comet is about 2 miles long and distance approximately The comet is expected to reach more momentum on November 28th, as it get closer to the targeted suns surface. The dust tail of the comet spans to an estimate length of 60,000 kilometers. The blue light included in the image was incorporated to examen the details of the comet. ISON (International Scientific Optical Network) stand for observatory groups located in ten countries to conduct analysis of space activity. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, in part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and directs ISON. "Hubble Captures Comet ISON,"
Washington, D.C. - National Minority Cancer Awareness Week is a dedicated time of the year that promotes awareness in the prevention of cancer spreading amongst minorities. The U.S. House of Representatives Joint Resolution 119 designated an annual "National Minority Cancer Awareness Week" on April 8th, 1987. It is held annually every third week of April and this week on April 15 to 21st in 2013.
The awareness week focuses on the necessity of preparing health practitioners, social workers and researches to discover different approaches to battle cancer. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) compiled data in a report that women have the highest rates in deaths due to cancer including blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Asians/Pacific Islanders.
There are many forms of cancer including, breast, ovarian, colon, rectal, prostate, and lung cancers. Cancer is the second leading cause of death amongst women. Black women have the highest risk of cancer due to numerous amount of factors having less socioeconomic resources, radical cells spread more faster making it harder to treat, and less likely to get prompt follow-up treatment with a mammogram, less likely to get high quality treatment. Cancer is not to be taken lightly and with the correct treatment by a credible physician and the right diet could bring decrease the spread and effects of cancer on a larger scale.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
- Mark Twain
Credit: Matthew Brandy, "The United States Library of Congress"
Mark Twain, also known originally as Samuel Langhorne Clemen, was born on November 30th, 1835 in Hannibal, Missouri. He is better known for his works Huckle The Adventures of Berry Fin and Adventures of Tom Swayer. Twain was 11 when his father died of a pneumonia. He left Missouri to work for print in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. In 1867, a local paper sponsored Twain on a trip to the Mediterranean. He was a self-educator and joined the International Typographical Union. Twain lived in San Francisco as a journalist. In 1869, he wrote about his travels as featured in the compiled works The Innocent Abroad.
In 1867, a local newspaper funded a trip to the Mediterranean. During his tour of Europe and the Middle East, he wrote a popular collection of travel letters, which were later compiled as The Innocents Abroad in 1869. It was on this trip that he met his future brother-in-law, Charles Langdon on his venture to the Holy Land, and soon was introduced to his wife Olivia Langdon. He proposed to Olivia but didn't get engaged to her until 1868. They later moved to Buffalo New York and were together for 34 years until Olivia passed in 1904. Twain owned the stock of The Buffalo Express Newspaper and operated as Chief Editor and writer. Twain was later honored with membership in the Secret Society Scroll and Key of Yale University in 1868. Twain moved to Hartford Connecticut where he created other works of Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer, including Life on the Mississippi and Prince and the Pauper.
- Syrian rebel cuts the heart and liver out of a government regime solider and eats his
heart out. Abu Zukhar stated according to translation “I swear to G** that I will eat your hearts you
solider of Bashar!" The Human Rights group
stated the laws of war prohibit any mutilation. Zukhar was ruthless in his standing regardless of attacking a soldier of the government. There has been much civil war between the people and the government of Syria as rebels are awaiting to overthrow the hierarchy. VanishaPR's Opinion: If you were a rebel against the government, would you cut out and eat the heart of a regime soldier to send a message to the government, regardless if the soldier was possibly forced to submit to their command by force?
VanishaPR is a new and uprising freelance PR & Media Specialist seeking to collaborate with other media agents and improve the methods of PR through social media campaigning and other media outlets. For more information visit