
Malaysia Boeing 777 MH17, Crash Again?

Malaysia Boeing 777 Crashes Again. This time flight MH17 from Amsterdam that claimed 298 Dutch passangers.

Believe Me in theaters Sept 26th

Believe Me is a comical drama about a charismatic Preacher that later discovers his truth.

@DearFashionn Txts Dad Nude

Twitter Lesson 101: What do you do when you txt Dad nude?

Man Dies Fron NYPD Cop Chokeholds

Eric Garner, 45, man passes after a New York chokehold by Police

God's warning Flag of False Statue Oklahoma

Seven Earthquakes in a few days and Oklahoma surpasses California shake records.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

School is Out for Summer 2012

School is out for summer!  For some if you passed all of your classes to proceed to the next grade.  As you know, earlier in the year, the district passed changes to the school budget, which resulted in the close of summer school.  There were only a few schools in Philadelphia offering courses for students to succeed to the next grade.  With this outcome, students will not only have to work harder to keep a passing grade in prevention to repeat the grade.  Contributors of failure to the next level are from factors of not completing assignments, passe attention to lessons, distractions from intergrating special need students in the classrooms who need undivided attention, and defiant behavior. Teachers will continue to collectively figure out ways to captivate the attention of students for more than 5 minutes. School recommences September 6th, 2012.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Islamic Execution for Christian Faith

IRAN- Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani in Iran faces execution under Sharia Law who refuses to renounce his Christian faith.  He is convicted of not practicing Islam although he never proclaimed Islam.  He has been jailed for 2 years. His wife has been in prison for 1 year from their two boys.  It would further show disregard freedom in practice of religion.  Hilary Clinton secretary of state top diplomat called to pressure Iran on the release of the pastor.  They asked for the Ayatollah’s opinion on this matter and holds the power to release him.  However, nothing has been in completion to his release.  Please if anyone has any ounce of human compassion and could imagine themselves under Sharia Law, one would expect significant support to save a life.  Ones freedom of expression should not be under oppressive conditions.